Opus No. Title Datesort descending Setting Publication type I.U.C. Notes
169 Prisoner Revisited, The July, 1987 N/A Review Read It Here! An article on the '60s TV show and the impact it had on Niven and other LASFS members.
161 Dreadful White Page, The January, 1988 Stand Alone Short Story "Postcard Story"
164 Curse January, 1988 Stand Alone Short Story No other data. In late 2011 Tim Kyger asked Niven for a glimpse of the story. Niven looked for it, couldn't find it, wound up asking Tim to pass it along if HE ever came across it!
Introduction to Man-Kzin Wars I January, 1988 Known Space: About Introduction Like the title says
165 Next Time January, 1988 Stand Alone Short Story Read It Here! a 100-word "drabble" for The Drabble Project
170 Horror Stories for Bright People February, 1988 N/A Review Review of Greg Benford's In the Ocean of Night, Across the Sea of Suns, and Great Sky River
162 Brenda February, 1988 Motie Novella Niven elaborates on the "Sauron supermen" mentioned briefly in Mote in God's Eye, The
Sideways in Time, an introduction to Ward Moore's Bring the Jubilee May, 1988 N/A Introduction An essay about alternate history stories, published as an introduction to Bring the Jubilee, by Ward Moore, for a "Masterpieces of Science Fiction" limited-edition leatherbound reprint of the 1955 classic, featuring art by A.C. Farley.
160 Tale of the Jinni and the Sisters, The July, 1988 Stand Alone Short Story A tale of Scherezade, based on the classic Arabian Nights
Read This September, 1988 Essay Reviews of (nonfiction): Chaos: Making a New Science, by James Gleick A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking Infinite in All Directions, by Freeman Dyson Mirror Matter, by Robert L. Forward and Joel Davis and (fiction) Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.
Bulletin Symposium: The Worst Mistake You Ever Made January, 1989 N/A Non-Fiction Article about why Niven considers "The Ethics of Madness" a failed story.
174 Criticism January, 1989 The Ghetto Short Story essay on critics and criticism
176 Return of William Proxmire, The January, 1989 Time Travel/Parallel Universe Short Story Shown to Robert Heinlein a few weeks before his death
Ringworld Retrospective April, 1989 N/A Non-Fiction Like the title says. A look back at the impact of Ringworld.
171 Murder of Halley's Comet, The May, 1989 The Fleet The Fleet Collaboration, co-written with David Drake
Read This May, 1989 N/A Essay Review of Deep Time: The Journey of a Single Sub-Atomic Particle from the Moment of Creation to the Death of the Universe--and Beyond, by David Darlin
167 Wishing Game, The June, 1989 Magic Universe: Warlock Short Story W. 05 final tale of the Warlock's companions
175 Man-Kzin Wars II August, 1989 Known Space: Man-Kzin Wars Anthology Anthology edited by Larry Niven and James Baen, with a new introduction by Niven
Introduction to Man-Kzin Wars II August, 1989 N/A Introduction Like the title says
166 Portrait of Daryanree the King, The September, 1989 Magic Universe Short Story First American rights unsold. Sent to Argos. Argos collapsed. Antho rights promised to Susan Shwartz for Arabesques III. Sold to Titan Books (England).
