Opus No. Title Datesort descending Setting Publication type I.U.C. Notes
Smut Talk January, 2000 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 12 Read It Here! Draco Tavern microbial hive mind or sexually transmitted disease?
An Interview with Larry Niven February, 2000 N/A Interview Interviewed by S. James Blackman. 
Burning City, The March, 2000 Magic Universe: Golden Road Novel Collaboration, co-written with Jerry Pournelle
Mars: Who Needs It? March, 2000 N/A Non-Fiction non-fiction for Space.com
How to Save Civilization and Make a Little Money April, 2000 N/A Non-Fiction Non-fiction for Space.com, has almost nothing to do with the report presented by the Citizens Advisory Council for a National Space Policy.  
Travelers May, 2000 N/A Non-Fiction non-fiction for Space.com
Rocket Men June, 2000 N/A Non-Fiction non-fiction for Space.com
Saturn's Race July, 2000 Saturn Novel Collaboration, co-written with Steven Barnes prequel to Achilles' Choice
Wisdom of Demons, The July, 2000 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 11 Draco Tavern think twice before accepting gifts from the Glig.
Wet Mars (Larry Niven Talks Terraforming) July, 2000 N/A Non-Fiction non-fiction for Space.com
Making Somebody Pay September, 2000 N/A Non-Fiction non-fiction for Space.com
Fly-By-Night October, 2000 Known Space: Man-Kzin Wars Novella K.S. 32 (2660) Beowulf is hijacked in flight
Surprises November, 2000 N/A Short Story non-fiction for Space.com
Missing Mass, The December, 2000 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 14 Read It Here! Draco Tavern where is the universe's extra mass? It was eaten!
Ice and Mirrors February, 2001 Walker & Keenan Short Story Collaboration, co-written with Brenda Cooper
Heights, The May, 2001 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 10 Draco Tavern Alien flyers terrify children for profit.
Ssoroghod's People December, 2001 Draco Tavern Short Story D.T. 13 Draco Tavern maybe we should go to Mars after all?
Choosing Life January, 2002 Christa Short Story Collaboration, co-written with Brenda Cooper
Albacon Trip Report February, 2002 The Ghetto Non-Fiction Read It Here! unpublished report of con after 9/11
Finding Myself June, 2002 Christa Anthology Collaboration, co-written with Brenda Cooper. Sequel to Choosing Life
