Saturday, 7 November, 2020 - 12:00am

2020-11    #KnownSpace Chat - 2020-11    2020-11-07 14:45:04: <Hippy> Now, back to this cosmic thing
2020-11-07 14:45:31: <NickE> (Rush as an educational band)
2020-11-07 14:46:05: <neil> It strikes me that the nihilistic opt-out approach to existence is heavily based on this idea, too. That "intelligence shouldn't be and therefore we should just stop"
2020-11-07 14:46:41: <Hippy> If there are no dark intelligneces, there is no malevolence outside of some hit or miss motivation to presere yourself at the expense of others.
2020-11-07 14:46:43: <NickE> OK, so if it all just proceeds anyway  - big crunch or heat death or cold iron stars 10Exp70 years hence, do we care?
2020-11-07 14:47:34: <Hippy> Well, if life is inevitable, and we know that, we would stop caring about life in general, but still care about our own
2020-11-07 14:47:36: <NickE> Nah, fuck that. I enjoy my ultimately pointless existence
2020-11-07 14:47:52: <neil> If it's just procedural matter, following simple procedures, refined by time and natural selection
2020-11-07 14:48:10: <Hippy> I give mine a point by getting up at 4AM on a winter Sunday once a month
2020-11-07 14:48:20: <NickE> hehe
2020-11-07 14:48:24: <neil> heh
2020-11-07 14:49:47: <NickE> oh yeah, its even earlier for you at this time of year
2020-11-07 14:50:07: <Hippy> No, later.  Chat starts at 7AM today
2020-11-07 14:50:22: <Hippy> But in June it's a chirpy sparrow's fart start
2020-11-07 14:50:42: <NickE> ah - sorry, seasons mixed up
2020-11-07 14:51:06: <neil> I started thinking about how one of the big things for the "great filter" could be a "new" intelligent species coming to terms with not being what they thought they were. Not just "centre of creation" stuff, but also when we finally understand consciousness it's starting to look like the bit we think of as "self" is actually a bit of a smoke and mirror trick
2020-11-07 14:52:01: <Hippy> You should've seen me earier this week, repeatedly checking my time zones, quizzing Siri about what time it was in Kentucky, pacing the floors, trying to set up my new Tv without plugging the fucker in...  The stress!
2020-11-07 14:52:05: *** Waterman <Waterman!4903f4d2@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 14:52:06: *** Dan <Dan!Dan@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 14:52:13: <NickE> hey guys!
2020-11-07 14:52:13: <neil> Hola Waterman , Dan
2020-11-07 14:52:15: <Hippy> Hi, Waterman!
2020-11-07 14:52:19: <Hippy> Hi, Dan!
2020-11-07 14:52:22: <Dan> Hiya!
2020-11-07 14:52:33: <NickE> Happy Belated Birthday Dan
2020-11-07 14:52:53: <NickE> And Frank of course
2020-11-07 14:52:59: <Hippy> So, 'self' is an illusion
2020-11-07 14:53:02: <Dan> Thank you!
2020-11-07 14:53:03: <Waterman> Hello, all!
2020-11-07 14:53:08: <neil> Remember, remember...
2020-11-07 14:53:30: <Hippy> What the ?  Bloody Fcebook didn't mention that one!
2020-11-07 14:53:43: <NickE> well, even if self is an illusion, should we change how we behave?
2020-11-07 14:53:44: <Hippy> Makes me want to blow it up
2020-11-07 14:54:00: <neil> The more you look for "self" the less of it there is
2020-11-07 14:54:03: <NickE> I posted on the FB!
2020-11-07 14:54:05: <neil> It's like "aether"
2020-11-07 14:54:22: <Hippy> About Franks' birthday?
2020-11-07 14:54:25: <NickE> yes
2020-11-07 14:54:35: <Waterman> Been a while since I've had a 'free' Saturday . . .Cake Shoppe and exploding furniture keeping me busy.
2020-11-07 14:54:36: <Hippy> Dang, missed that one
2020-11-07 14:54:52: <Hippy> It's good to see you here, Waterman
2020-11-07 14:55:07: <NickE> ok, Waterman, ya gonn have to explain that. Is it a new reality show?
2020-11-07 14:55:26: <NickE> :-)
2020-11-07 14:55:34: <Hippy> Better gear up, Fred...
2020-11-07 14:55:43: <neil> This exploding furniture thing seems like a reasonably questionable business model...
2020-11-07 14:55:53: <NickE> hehehe
2020-11-07 14:56:07: *** _outsider11 <_outsider11!6821d199@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 14:56:08: <Dan> That's his job, testing seats that go BANG.
2020-11-07 14:56:21: <Waterman> NickE, I operate a custom bakery here in Colorado, and my day job is being a quality engineer for ejection seats.
2020-11-07 14:56:24: <NickE> oh of course it is duh
2020-11-07 14:56:28: <neil> ;-)
2020-11-07 14:56:35: <NickE> barina bit fragged
2020-11-07 14:56:39: <NickE> brain
2020-11-07 14:56:51: <_outsider11> Hello, and early happy Thanksgiving to all.
2020-11-07 14:56:52: <NickE> hey outsider 11
2020-11-07 14:56:57: <NickE> Larry?
2020-11-07 14:57:22: <Waterman> No, I don't test them! I just handle non-conforming material. Thankfully.
2020-11-07 14:57:31: <_outsider11> yes, Larry.
2020-11-07 14:57:35: <Waterman> Hello, Outsider!
2020-11-07 14:57:37: <neil> Hola _outsider11 - type "/nick Larry"
2020-11-07 14:57:40: <NickE> Hi Larry!
2020-11-07 14:57:41: <Hippy> Hi, larry!
2020-11-07 14:58:08: *** _outsider11 is now known as Larry
2020-11-07 14:58:21: <neil> Hi Larry!
2020-11-07 14:58:26: <Waterman> Hello, Larry!
2020-11-07 14:58:29: <Dan> Hiya, Larry!
2020-11-07 14:59:29: <Hippy> Ah, Thanksgiving, yes.
2020-11-07 15:00:20: <NickE> guess thats going to be a challenging time for a lot of people
2020-11-07 15:00:21: <SeanLap> waiting for turkey prices to drop to nothing here.
2020-11-07 15:00:53: <Waterman> The people who run the exploding furniture factory hand out free turkeys every year . . .
2020-11-07 15:01:02: <Larry> I expect we can order out for a Thanksgiving dinner.
2020-11-07 15:01:16: <NickE> I would hope so
2020-11-07 15:01:45: <Dan> The factory gave us a choice between a free turkey and a free ham this year.
2020-11-07 15:01:47: <NickE> we're doing beef again this Christmas
2020-11-07 15:01:50: <SeanLap> was at the grocery earlier.  still 1.59/lb.  should drop to like .39/lb wednesday.
2020-11-07 15:01:58: <Hippy> We just had Halloween here.  Thanksgiving hasn't crossed the equator...yet
2020-11-07 15:02:23: <neil> We have about twenty of our own chickens in the freezer and we should have a cow in the freezer by the end of the month
2020-11-07 15:02:31: <Waterman> You guys Down Undah even bother with Thanksgiving?
2020-11-07 15:02:41: <Hippy> Nope
2020-11-07 15:02:41: <NickE> had a quiet Halloween here. Just 1 trick or treater visit (Joy did the pumpkins tho)
2020-11-07 15:02:54: <NickE> nor in the UK
2020-11-07 15:03:01: <Hippy> But we never bothered with Halloween, either, until a few years ago
2020-11-07 15:03:16: <Hippy> Bloody good pumpkins, too, Nick
2020-11-07 15:03:42: <NickE> oh you saw them, yeah, the Boris one was especially cool
2020-11-07 15:03:47: *** dmac <dmac!46bf52ad@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 15:03:53: <dmac> Hey guys.
2020-11-07 15:03:53: <NickE> She's good
2020-11-07 15:03:56: <Hippy> Hi, damc
2020-11-07 15:04:04: <neil> hey dmac
2020-11-07 15:04:05: <Waterman> We'd celebrate Thanksgiving when I was in Germany and the locals just wrote it off as another quaint American thing . . .
2020-11-07 15:04:08: <NickE> yo dmac
2020-11-07 15:04:55: *** Jim <Jim!8493050b@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 15:04:58: <NickE> it is very American
2020-11-07 15:05:02: <NickE> hey Jim
2020-11-07 15:05:07: <Hippy> Hi, Jim!
2020-11-07 15:05:10: <neil> Hola Jim
2020-11-07 15:05:13: <dmac> hi jim
2020-11-07 15:06:02: *** Ptavv <Ptavv!68b63206@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 15:06:13: <Hippy> Hi, Ptavv
2020-11-07 15:06:14: *** Sten <Sten!49bd37b0@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 15:06:19: <Dan> We've got another cat about to cross the rainbow bridge. Lyn is outside now, about to bring him into the house and out of the weather.
2020-11-07 15:06:19: <Hippy> Hi, Sten
2020-11-07 15:06:26: <NickE> hey Ptaav, Sten
2020-11-07 15:06:27: <Waterman> The Regiment I served with in the US Army in Germany would haul whole roast turkeys out to the maneuver areas where we were all practicing our battle drills. The Germans thought it quite odd.
2020-11-07 15:06:29: <Hippy> Popular channel today
2020-11-07 15:06:49: <Ptavv> Hey Known Spacers!
2020-11-07 15:06:54: <neil> hola Ptavv , Sten
2020-11-07 15:06:55: <Sten> I have been glued to my computer for a week. Why stop now?
2020-11-07 15:06:58: <Jim> Is there a title?
2020-11-07 15:07:16: <Hippy> Not yet
2020-11-07 15:07:34: <Hippy> "A Thanksgiving from Earth" maybe
2020-11-07 15:07:37: <Waterman> Sorry to hear that, Dan. We lost a member of our feline complement back in January, but we added a fresh little guy in August.
2020-11-07 15:07:42: *** iFred <iFred!iFred@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 15:07:44: *** neil changes topic to "Welcome to the Niven List First Saturday Chat! <insert clever title here>"
2020-11-07 15:08:00: <NickE> hey fred
2020-11-07 15:08:09: <Hippy> Hi, Fred
2020-11-07 15:08:11: <NickE> ah, heck Dan
2020-11-07 15:08:13: <neil> iFred! How goes the battle?
2020-11-07 15:08:23: <iFred> Waves
2020-11-07 15:08:31: <Ptavv> Hello all
2020-11-07 15:08:46: <SeanLap> hey, Ptavv
2020-11-07 15:08:48: <iFred> At the grocery store be back in about half an hour
2020-11-07 15:08:48: *** Jim <Jim!8493050b@> has quit IRC (Connection closed)
2020-11-07 15:08:54: <NickE> k
2020-11-07 15:08:58: <NickE> oops
2020-11-07 15:08:59: <Hippy> Jim how's the ol' internet connection?  Nice and stable?
2020-11-07 15:09:03: <NickE> heh
2020-11-07 15:09:06: <Hippy> Ah, that explains that
2020-11-07 15:09:29: <Ptavv> The Flight of the Turkey?
2020-11-07 15:09:30: <NickE> oh Hippy, you may have missed it - Elanor is engaged!
2020-11-07 15:09:49: <Hippy> Oh, kick arse!
2020-11-07 15:09:58: *** Jim <Jim!8493050b@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 15:10:01: <NickE> yeah, good news
2020-11-07 15:10:08: <Hippy> Same bloke, or a new one trapped in her thrall?
2020-11-07 15:10:25: <NickE> heh, same one. He very sensibly said yes
2020-11-07 15:10:39: <NickE> nice chap
2020-11-07 15:10:42: <Hippy> Indeed he was sensible
2020-11-07 15:11:00: <Hippy> I suspect Elanor is smart enough to make good choices
2020-11-07 15:11:07: <Waterman> Mazel Tov, NickE!
2020-11-07 15:11:09: <Hippy> Her mother seems to have done
2020-11-07 15:11:21: <NickE> thanks!
2020-11-07 15:11:21: <Dan> This will be the 3rd one this year, but they are all 10 or 12 years old now.
2020-11-07 15:11:40: <Hippy> Is that about Elanor's engagement?
2020-11-07 15:11:44: <Waterman> Ouch, Dan. It's always hard to see them go . . .
2020-11-07 15:12:15: <Dan> Indeed, shovel duty is the hardest part of being owned by pets.
2020-11-07 15:12:22: <NickE> yeah, ours is 13. Still good, but its never easy
2020-11-07 15:12:37: <Waterman> Lunchbox was 19; old, old guy for a kitty but lovey and purry to the very end.
2020-11-07 15:12:39: <NickE> bad enough with chickens
2020-11-07 15:12:46: <NickE> wow
2020-11-07 15:13:27: <Hippy> Is there boosterspice for pets?
2020-11-07 15:13:47: <Dan> I wish.
2020-11-07 15:13:53: <NickE> aye
2020-11-07 15:14:06: <Hippy> If it's tree of lfie derived, probably not.  if it's ragweed-dervied, probably yes
2020-11-07 15:14:13: <Larry> Kzinti required a variant re boosterspice.
2020-11-07 15:14:25: <Waterman> Hippy, I'd prefer not . . .don't want to see what a cat Protector would BE like . . .
2020-11-07 15:14:38: *** Jim <Jim!8493050b@> has quit IRC (Connection closed)
2020-11-07 15:14:42: <neil> Waterman: Mercurial
2020-11-07 15:14:48: *** iFred <iFred!iFred@> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
2020-11-07 15:14:56: <Dan> All I know is, when it's my turn I'll be greeted by a veritable Noah's Ark-full of animals.
2020-11-07 15:15:27: <Waterman> Then again, perhaps we NEED adult supervision, esp. here in the Untied Snakes.
2020-11-07 15:15:59: <Hippy> No, no , no.  this is the one place I can go without stupid election coverage!!!
2020-11-07 15:16:29: <Hippy> So a variant woudl be possibly, and cats are more closely related to huans than Kzinti are
2020-11-07 15:16:35: <NickE> So, would the kzinti actually have made use of it - had the secret been delivered to the Patriarchy?
2020-11-07 15:17:08: <SeanLap> as far as I know Chmeee is the only recipient.
2020-11-07 15:17:11: <NickE> Chmee's reaction may have been instnctual
2020-11-07 15:17:15: <Hippy> It seems that a whole bunch of UN citizens, denied motherhood, would lavish affection in their pets.  Boosterspice would come from pet research on Jinx
2020-11-07 15:17:22: <Ptavv> Yeah yeah, just try to get a cat to eat a raw yam.
2020-11-07 15:17:28: <NickE> hehe
2020-11-07 15:17:29: <Waterman> Kzinti didn't care for the booster-spice analogue; it removed honorable battle-scars.
2020-11-07 15:17:35: <Larry> Patriarchs aren't supposed to live indefinitely.  He'd be killed quick.
2020-11-07 15:17:50: <NickE> I'd suspect so
2020-11-07 15:18:18: <Dan> Cats seem to have no trouble arguing with a dog over a fresh corncob during canning season.
2020-11-07 15:18:32: <Hippy> Interesting.  I thought the patriarchy was a very stable clan thing.  One government, all over the Empire, for ages
2020-11-07 15:18:54: <Hippy> But boosterspice wouldn't be fair to the heirs
2020-11-07 15:18:55: <Waterman> IIRC Kzinti had come up with life-extension/rejuvenation methods much earlier than the Ringworld Era, but eschewed it.
2020-11-07 15:18:59: <neil> Asher's Prador could be Kzinti + Boosterspice
2020-11-07 15:19:27: <neil> Children held in thrall using pheromonal and cybernetic control by an extremely long-lived patriarch
2020-11-07 15:19:34: <Waterman> Larry, is that true?
2020-11-07 15:19:37: <Ptavv> If they are selectively breeding humans to conserve resources, I do not see the fertility board approving immortal cats.
2020-11-07 15:19:38: <NickE> yeah, but I could see them culturally having a problem with Patriarch for life if teh life extendeds aon and on
2020-11-07 15:19:39: <Hippy> That rings a bell, Waterman
2020-11-07 15:20:18: <neil> I think Chmeee said similar when he was told by the Hindmost
2020-11-07 15:20:23: <NickE> ah yes, I do recall that. Typical, Larry already thought it through :-)
2020-11-07 15:21:17: <Hippy> Okay, so the Fertility Board also controls pets?  Well, I cant' find anythign that contradicts that
2020-11-07 15:21:37: <Hippy> so, you have one pet.  You'll want to keep it alive longer
2020-11-07 15:21:46: <dmac> Autodocs for pets?
2020-11-07 15:21:47: <Waterman> I can't see too many arcology dwellers having pets . . .
2020-11-07 15:21:49: <Hippy> Autovets
2020-11-07 15:22:03: <neil> Electric Sheep?
2020-11-07 15:22:04: <Waterman>  . . .perhaps among the extremely rich.
2020-11-07 15:22:20: <Ptavv> Good one Neil!
2020-11-07 15:22:38: <Hippy> On that basis, Jinx coudl be overrun with them.  Plenty of room there
2020-11-07 15:22:46: <neil> Ptavv: Everything old is new again ;-)
2020-11-07 15:23:02: <dmac> To start with Waterman but eventually it would trickle down.
2020-11-07 15:23:13: <Hippy> And on the colony worlds, except for Plateau, I suppose, people are domesticating the local wldlife
2020-11-07 15:23:27: <Waterman> Do you have Petrights along with Birthrights?
2020-11-07 15:23:31: <Ptavv> On Jinx? Thick legged cats?
2020-11-07 15:24:07: <Hippy> So, the arcology where Owen. died, no pets.  But Gil the ARM lives ina bigger place,a nd they might allow housepets
2020-11-07 15:24:09: <dmac> Domesticating wildlife has taken us thousands of years. I'm sure techology could shorten that but by how much? Also, uplift.
2020-11-07 15:24:11: <Ptavv> soft shell turtles?
2020-11-07 15:24:25: <NickE> short haired Jinxian Chonk breed?
2020-11-07 15:24:29: <neil> There was an interesting sci-fi short I read a while back based on the premise that humans were the only sentients in the universe to domesticate animals
2020-11-07 15:24:37: <Larry> thick legs and short torsos for Jinxian cats.
2020-11-07 15:25:26: <Hippy> Moles on We Made It
2020-11-07 15:25:31: <Waterman> Didn't Kzinti domesticate some sorts of meat animals? It may have come up in some MKW story . . .I don't recall specifically.
2020-11-07 15:25:38: <Ptavv> Legs like elephants because they would be too heavy to jump.
2020-11-07 15:25:50: <NickE> yeah. No jumping off tall objects perhaps
2020-11-07 15:26:06: <Waterman> If anything could jump in 1.78Gs, it'd be a cat . . .
2020-11-07 15:26:10: <Larry> hippy: I like it.
2020-11-07 15:26:14: <NickE> true
2020-11-07 15:26:28: <Hippy> Domesticated stheet on the Kzinti worlds, but I can't remeber he reference
2020-11-07 15:26:35: <Hippy> Thanks, Larry!
2020-11-07 15:26:42: <NickE> yah, mainly subterannean life on We Made It?
2020-11-07 15:26:48: <NickE> not just the humans
2020-11-07 15:26:53: <Ptavv>  Tall objects like chairs.
2020-11-07 15:27:08: <Waterman> Naked mole rats! No shedding!
2020-11-07 15:27:23: <Ptavv> The folk are domesticators.
2020-11-07 15:27:29: <NickE> yes
2020-11-07 15:27:33: <dmac> Giant worms.
2020-11-07 15:27:42: <Dan> BRB, oldest grandson just showed up to mow the yard for us.
2020-11-07 15:27:56: <Hippy> Well, those mining worms from A Gift from Earth
2020-11-07 15:28:01: <Hippy> Nicely domesitcated, Dan
2020-11-07 15:28:04: <Ptavv> Giant Worms that make booster spice?
2020-11-07 15:28:07: <Waterman> Cool, Dan. When he's done, I have some yardwork for him . . .
2020-11-07 15:28:16: <Waterman> Buwhahahaha, Ptavv!
2020-11-07 15:28:38: <NickE> hehe
2020-11-07 15:28:55: <neil> Ptavv: they were specially bred by Starbucks Intergalactic to produce Pumpkin Spice
2020-11-07 15:28:57: <Hippy> Anarchy parks on Earth filled with sewer gators and other feral pets
2020-11-07 15:29:05: <Waterman> Yikes!
2020-11-07 15:30:11: <Hippy> No birds on Silvereyes...
2020-11-07 15:30:13: <Ptavv> Its that time of year
2020-11-07 15:30:38: <Waterman> Not for long, anyway, Hippy . . .
2020-11-07 15:31:14: <neil> Ptavv:
2020-11-07 15:31:15: <Hippy> Good for Thanksgiving, though.  Just slide your turkeys down a ramp and h's solar broiled at the other end
2020-11-07 15:31:47: <Hippy> Lots of domesticated pets on Down
2020-11-07 15:32:03: <Waterman> Hippy- <man loads large catapult> 'PULL!
2020-11-07 15:32:20: <dmac> You're on a roll today Hippy!
2020-11-07 15:32:23: <Ptavv> No cats on Plateau though, they would knock everything into the void.
2020-11-07 15:32:36: <Hippy> LOL!
2020-11-07 15:32:38: <NickE> heh
2020-11-07 15:32:47: <NickE> feeding teh Mist Demons
2020-11-07 15:33:13: <Hippy> What have I forgotten?  Home?  Anything from Earth can live there, so the range is really good
2020-11-07 15:33:27: <dmac> Excuse me, I need to feed the Mist Demons. That sounds familiar..
2020-11-07 15:33:33: <Hippy> tame tigripards on Wunderland, but dmac is right, that might take time.
2020-11-07 15:33:54: <Waterman> 'Go Feed The Mist Demons!'
2020-11-07 15:34:00: <Hippy> There's a reason that river is Muddy
2020-11-07 15:34:06: <dmac> lol
2020-11-07 15:34:23: <Hippy> And the actual Mist Demons, from last month's chat, aren't too happy...
2020-11-07 15:34:45: <NickE> :-)
2020-11-07 15:34:47: <Hippy> But in practice they are probably composting their effluent
2020-11-07 15:34:49: <dmac> The trouble with doing that on Plateau is once you lost those nutrients they're lost for good.
2020-11-07 15:34:59: <Waterman> Aren't tigripards Kzin-life?
2020-11-07 15:35:14: <Hippy> Native to Wunderland as far as I know
2020-11-07 15:35:21: <Waterman> Hmm. Good point, dmac.
2020-11-07 15:35:31: <Waterman> Thanks, Hippy.
2020-11-07 15:35:43: <Ptavv> That is why no cats dmac
2020-11-07 15:35:45: <Hippy> Well, they don't ahve a Kzin name
2020-11-07 15:36:26: <Hippy> And 'tigripard' is just 'leopard' slightly changed, to account for stripes rather than spots, I assume
2020-11-07 15:36:52: <Hippy> Of course, what it might be in Wunderlander I won't have a guess at
2020-11-07 15:39:10: <Hippy> Now, if memory serves, and it's been doing a crap job of that lately, it's easier to fly in high gravity, so flying birds have an easier time of it on Jinx
2020-11-07 15:39:54: <neil> dependent on atmospheric density, isn't it?
2020-11-07 15:40:04: <Hippy> That was it
2020-11-07 15:40:07: <dmac> Good thing Bandersnatch can't mutate. A flying Bandersnatch would be scarry.
2020-11-07 15:40:34: <dmac> Big wingspan.
2020-11-07 15:40:43: <Hippy> You don't want one roosting on your fence
2020-11-07 15:40:50: <Hippy> or your TV aerial
2020-11-07 15:40:53: <dmac> or anywhere.
2020-11-07 15:41:28: <Hippy> Polly want some slime yeast, NOW!
2020-11-07 15:41:38: <Waterman> Man, you'd have to reinforce ALL of the roofs . . .
2020-11-07 15:42:46: <Waterman>  . . .pooping Bandersnatch at 1.78Gs . . .
2020-11-07 15:42:57: <Waterman> 'INCOMING!'
2020-11-07 15:43:51: *** iFred <iFred!iFred@> has joined #Knownspace
2020-11-07 15:43:55: <NickE> omg
2020-11-07 15:43:57: <Hippy> So, chickens are haivng a good time on Wunderland and We Made It, not so good on Jinx
2020-11-07 15:44:10: <Hippy> Hi, Fred!
2020-11-07 15:44:34: <Waterman> All the chooks would be melanistic on Jinx . . .
2020-11-07 15:44:36: <Dan> Back, got the boy started on the back.
2020-11-07 15:44:54: <Hippy> Melanitic?
2020-11-07 15:45:13: <iFred> Hey hippie
2020-11-07 15:45:14: <Waterman> Dark or black feathers . . .
2020-11-07 15:45:22: <iFred> So you got a 70 inch TV?
2020-11-07 15:45:22: <Hippy> There's new words every month on this channel
2020-11-07 15:45:29: <Waterman>  . . .for the UV flux from Sirius A.
2020-11-07 15:45:40: <Hippy> 65"
2020-11-07 15:46:11: <Hippy> Oh, yes, of course.  Forgot about the UV
2020-11-07 15:46:12: <iFred> Ha. Then I don’t need to be jealous. Same as mine.
2020-11-07 15:46:56: <Hippy> If I'd known that...but 75" was another $400 and actually it would be too big for the space between the shelves
2020-11-07 15:47:07: <Waterman> It's gonna be 'video walls' anymore in just a few years . . .
2020-11-07 15:47:24: <iFred> I was out getting my new blood sugar sensor which will send me an alarm if I die during the night
2020-11-07 15:47:31: <Hippy> Yes, I 'd hear of the OLED wallpaper
2020-11-07 15:47:33: <Dan> Last TV I bought had to be small enough to fit the shelving, too.
2020-11-07 15:47:38: <Waterman> I don't have any room in my house for any vid larger than 65" . . .
2020-11-07 15:48:04: <Hippy> Well, that's no good, Fred.  We want to know when you die, too!  Make the alarm ping the List
2020-11-07 15:48:20: <dmac> Oh Hippy ...
2020-11-07 15:48:21: <Ptavv> I am holding out for Holo
2020-11-07 15:48:36: <iFred> 🤗
2020-11-07 15:48:40: <Waterman> If I'm gonna die in my sleep I'd prefer NOT to know it . . .
2020-11-07 15:49:58: <Dan> If you're like me, I'll have to work for four more years after I die just to be able to afford retirement, LOL!
2020-11-07 15:50:08: <Waterman>  . . .why wreck a good night's sleep? But if it can call in 'dead' for me the next day at work, then OK.
2020-11-07 15:50:21: <Waterman> I hear you, Dan!
2020-11-07 15:50:26: <NickE> no room for a comfortably positioned TV bigger than 32". Going to be a prob when it dies as they are making very few that size now
2020-11-07 15:50:30: <iFred> 👍
2020-11-07 15:50:51: <neil> NickE: gaming monitor
2020-11-07 15:51:02: <iFred> The wall my TV goes against is 13’ x 13’
2020-11-07 15:51:14: <iFred> I will never be able to afford a TV big enough to fill it
2020-11-07 15:51:33: <iFred> Well… Actually I could but I’d have to sell the house to buy the TV which would defeat the whole point
2020-11-07 15:51:39: <Hippy> Wow.  Then ut on an old VHS tape...
2020-11-07 15:51:39: <Dan> I don't have any walls left that aren't covered in bookshelves.
2020-11-07 15:52:00: <Waterman> My wife and daughter get more use out of the 65" than I do; they're both gamers, while I am not. I'm OK with the 32" in the downstairs bedroom where I lair.
2020-11-07 15:52:22: <Ptavv> NickE 32"$89 on Black Friday sale.
2020-11-07 15:52:52: <Hippy> Oh, things are so cheap over there
2020-11-07 15:53:07: <Waterman> Here's something on-topic; given that top-end video games have MUCH larger budgets and better production values than most films, couldn't we pitch Known Space/Ringworld as a video game series?
2020-11-07 15:53:07: <NickE> not in the UK and none that are decent quality - all the decent tech is going into the monsters
2020-11-07 15:53:36: <NickE> well, its a Sony, should still be good for a while
2020-11-07 15:54:00: <iFred> Waterman, everyone would say we were ripping off halo
2020-11-07 15:54:02: <neil> Speaking of such things, my pinephone should arrive soon
2020-11-07 15:54:09: <Ptavv> Still by the tme yours gives up they will be cheaper than water.
2020-11-07 15:54:27: <Waterman> iFred, who cares? Let the truth out.
2020-11-07 15:54:59: <NickE> my water costs £64 a month - better be a feckin good TV!
2020-11-07 15:55:26: * Hippy AFK to feed the tree
2020-11-07 15:55:40: <Dan> :)
2020-11-07 15:55:42: <Waterman> Where are you getting your water from, NickE? The Belt?
2020-11-07 15:55:47: <iFred> My first utility bill in this house, 34 years ago this month, said that I had used 35,000 gallons of water
2020-11-07 15:56:15: <iFred> No it’s just me, no pool, I hadn’t put in any plants yet, just a new house on a dirt lot
2020-11-07 15:56:37: <NickE> ours isnt metered (thank ghod), but when you live in the Tames Valley area, you have to deal with Thames Water
2020-11-07 15:56:48: <iFred> I couldn’t use 35,000 gallons of water if I stuck a hose in the toilet and turned it on for
2020-11-07 15:56:51: <Waterman> A hundred tonnes of water would have filled up the basement rather noticaebly, iFred . . .
2020-11-07 15:56:56: <iFred> Full
2020-11-07 15:57:07: <NickE> The time may come to re-sink the wells that weer on this property in long years past
2020-11-07 15:57:17: <Ptavv> Well you are Waterman??
2020-11-07 15:57:22: <iFred> But my entire bill from the city including water and sewer and trash pick up was 10 bucks
2020-11-07 15:57:31: <iFred> So I decided it was pointless to fight
2020-11-07 15:57:32: <Waterman> Don't hit the cholera layer, NickE!
2020-11-07 15:57:35: <Dan> I'm going to be upset when the county finally runs water and sewage lines out here and forbid me from using my well & septic tank just so they can charge me for water coming into and out of the house.
2020-11-07 15:57:36: <NickE> good greif
2020-11-07 15:57:41: <iFred> I suspect they must just have a 35,000 gallon minimum or something
2020-11-07 15:58:46: <iFred> Dan my parents fought getting city sewer for like a decade
2020-11-07 15:58:58: <iFred> Everybody in their area had gigantic septic tanks
2020-11-07 15:59:17: <iFred> Every month the city put up a little signs that said “if you don’t contest it you’re getting sewer“
2020-11-07 15:59:25: <iFred> Every month they contested it
2020-11-07 15:59:52: <iFred> Finally they caught us in July or August when everybody was over in Sandy Eggo on vacation
2020-11-07 16:00:01: <iFred> So we came home to sewer bills
2020-11-07 16:00:11: <Waterman> I always shut my water off when I go on vacation . . .the local utility considers a water leak a 'YOU' problem, not a 'THEM' problem, and will happily charge you full freight for all of the water in your basement.
2020-11-07 16:00:12: <Dan> Athens did that a couple of decades ago. city water was fairly cheap and sewagedrainage was free, then the city government decided to charge for use of the sewers and everyone in the county saw their water bill double.
2020-11-07 16:00:24: <NickE> hmm, the idea of sewers coming after the property goes up is odd to UK eyes
2020-11-07 16:02:03: <Dan> Thankfully, I live so far out in the sticks that putting in city water and sewage drains would cost the county SEVERAL dozen million $$$ just to start with.
2020-11-07 16:02:06: <Waterman> NickE, a LOT of stuff here in the US is weird in ANYONE'S eyes . . .
2020-11-07 16:02:11: <NickE> I mean with much older houses sure
2020-11-07 16:02:35: <NickE> heh, yeah
2020-11-07 16:02:35: <iFred> Almost no places have basements here. Land is cheaper than hole digging.
2020-11-07 16:03:30: <Ptavv> Our city just spent millons on the sewers modernizing them.
2020-11-07 16:03:34: <Waterman> iFred, here in Colorado most houses have basements. Our water tables are deep, and it's a free tornado shelter. Cool in the summer and warm in the winter, too.
2020-11-07 16:03:59: <Ptavv> The water is the Cape Fear river. Easy peasy
2020-11-07 16:04:14: <Dan> The water table here averages 20 feet below the surface, so basements have to be in places with higher elevation than average or you wind up digging into mud to pour concrete into.
2020-11-07 16:04:28: <iFred> Yeah my BFF is in Colorado and keeps trying to get me to move there
2020-11-07 16:04:31: <NickE> Parts of London's sewers are Roman
2020-11-07 16:04:39: <iFred> Every so often his sump pump fails and fills the basement with water
2020-11-07 16:04:59: <Dan> My well is 200 feet deep, and the water never comes within 20 feet of the surface.
2020-11-07 16:05:03: <NickE> much of the rest is Victorian
2020-11-07 16:05:06: <iFred> He’s the one who first got me to read ring world BTW
2020-11-07 16:05:29: <Hippy> No worries about that here.  it's basalt all the way to the scrith
2020-11-07 16:05:32: <neil> Bazalgette did a good job in London. Eventually
2020-11-07 16:05:36: <Waterman> iFred, the only thing that fills my basement with water is the City utility service . . .twice in 21 years.
2020-11-07 16:06:13: <iFred> I live next to the well for the city of Scottsdale. I think I’m first in line for the water.
2020-11-07 16:06:16: <Ptavv> No basements here The river is close the water is high.
2020-11-07 16:06:40: <iFred> My water has so many chemicals in it but if you fill up the bathtub the whole house smells like a public swimming pool that’s just been chemically shocked
2020-11-07 16:07:06: <Waterman> A freak rain/hailstorm from the East filled my basement window wells once, after we'd just remodeled the basement . . .sigh.
2020-11-07 16:07:21: <iFred> Needless to say I use a lot of bottled water
2020-11-07 16:08:03: <Waterman> Otherwise the water in my part of Colorado Springs basically comes straight off the mountains- few previous 'users'. We drink the tap water straight.
2020-11-07 16:08:09: <NickE> cellar floods now and then (should get an auto sump sorted at some point)
2020-11-07 16:08:58: <Dan> There is so much iron in the water here that I will never need to take Geritol or suppliments, LOL! Leave a glass of water on the counter overnight and it rusts, LOL!
2020-11-07 16:09:14: <Ptavv> We have about a million people upstream
2020-11-07 16:09:20: <iFred> 😂
2020-11-07 16:09:39: <Hippy> Where's upstream, Ptavv?
2020-11-07 16:09:49: <Waterman> I grew up in the suburbs north of Chicago, IL; our basement would flood on a regular basis worse and worse as they continued paving the local terrain . . .the
2020-11-07 16:10:07: <Ptavv> Central North Carolina
2020-11-07 16:10:19: <Hippy> Ah...
2020-11-07 16:10:32: <Waterman> house eventually had to be condemned.
2020-11-07 16:10:33: <Hippy> Some nice creeks there, according to real estate ads I keep getting
2020-11-07 16:10:39: <Ptavv> We filter the water.
2020-11-07 16:10:45: <Dan> Ptavv, we're practically neighbors! I'm near Athens, GA.
2020-11-07 16:11:19: <Ptavv> There is a creek surrounding our neighborhood
2020-11-07 16:12:15: <Ptavv> I can see your house from here!
2020-11-07 16:12:23: <Dan> LOL!
2020-11-07 16:12:34: <NickE> we're kinda complacent about water TBH, its clean, drinkable and we use it to flush the loo
2020-11-07 16:12:45: <Dan> Yeah, it is uphill to drive towards you.
2020-11-07 16:13:08: <Ptavv> At least y'all have an election decision
2020-11-07 16:13:22: <Waterman> I wonder how drinkable melted comet ice would be . . .
2020-11-07 16:13:43: <Hippy> Scary if it's full of bacteria
2020-11-07 16:14:05: <Waterman> That'd be amazing but not surprising, Hippy . . .
2020-11-07 16:15:34: <iFred> I watched a lost in space the other night where the comet was so hot it was melting the metal of the Jupiter 2
2020-11-07 16:16:05: <Ptavv> That seems odd.
2020-11-07 16:16:35: <Hippy> "Lost in Space' seems less realistic every year :(
2020-11-07 16:16:44: <iFred> Yeah. I was wondering if anybody other than TV writers actually thought that at that point in history.
2020-11-07 16:16:53: <Ptavv> Why did they drive into a plasma comet?
2020-11-07 16:17:46: <Waterman> I find better science & history in video games than TV & film anymore . . .
2020-11-07 16:17:52: <iFred> They still can’t top the episode with the astronaut yelling “there’s a nova coming in! It’s all purple and gold! Yahoo!“
2020-11-07 16:18:23: <Ptavv> Games have rules Waterman.
2020-11-07 16:18:44: <Ptavv> :-)
2020-11-07 16:18:49: <Waterman>  . . .one of the reasons I think pitching Known Space to video game designers might be a better fit.
2020-11-07 16:18:56: <Waterman> Indeed, Ptavv.
2020-11-07 16:19:01: <Hippy> It's amazin tha people who write the stuff know so little about scienc.  You can kind of iagine where somebody heard the word 'nova', found out it was bright, and that was it.
2020-11-07 16:19:14: <Hippy> Well, it was a video game.  Two video games
2020-11-07 16:19:19: <iFred> Same with comet
2020-11-07 16:19:21: <Hippy> Well, Ringworld, anyway
2020-11-07 16:19:28: <Waterman> It's disturbing, Hippy, and a cryin' shame . . .
2020-11-07 16:19:40: <Hippy> But a Ringworld MMO would be fantastic!
2020-11-07 16:19:49: <neil> Can you imagine the microtransactions??? That pet will cost you three billion stars (or you can buy it for US$30 in the game store!)
2020-11-07 16:19:52: <iFred> Hippie, I did over 100 films for grade schoolers
2020-11-07 16:20:04: <iFred> Our science advisors were grade school science teachers
2020-11-07 16:20:09: <Hippy> LOL!
2020-11-07 16:20:11: <iFred> And none of them knew any science
2020-11-07 16:20:12: <Waterman>  . . .I never played the 90's PC games; I'm thinking a modern one based on Known Space would be AMAZING . . .
2020-11-07 16:20:45: <Hippy> A lot of panning to convenient fireplaces for the rishathra bits
2020-11-07 16:21:47: <Ptavv> Rishathra would almost certainly be the principle activity.
2020-11-07 16:22:03: <Waterman> Disclosure; I DON'T play video games. But my wife & daughter play 'Assassin's Creed' and when I hear good period Greek & Italian coming out of it, and they fill me in on the 'history' of the game scenarios and they actually JIBE with what I know . . .
2020-11-07 16:22:33: <iFred> Our own Teela should be here later
2020-11-07 16:22:43: <iFred> I believe she plays “assassin’s creed“
2020-11-07 16:22:46: <Hippy> Excellent
2020-11-07 16:22:53: <iFred> I know she dresses up from it
2020-11-07 16:23:01: <Waterman>  . . .and the video game industry outsells all film, TV and sports entertainment many times over . . .
2020-11-07 16:23:27: <Waterman>  . . .I'm thinking THAT'S where the 'smart money' IS.
2020-11-07 16:23:36: <Hippy> But would it if movie tickets were $80 each?
2020-11-07 16:23:56: <iFred> When did they start discounting movie tickets?
2020-11-07 16:24:11: <neil> $80 for unlimited access to an interactive movie?
2020-11-07 16:24:11: <Waterman> Hippy, a movie goes 120-180 minutes. Most modern video games take 40-80 HOURS to 'finish'.
2020-11-07 16:24:47: <Ptavv> How much does a game cost to make?
2020-11-07 16:24:49: <Hippy> True, but is the eeason games outsell movies because games are more expensive?
2020-11-07 16:24:51: <neil> "unlimited" containing a huge number of caveats for online games
2020-11-07 16:26:22: <Ptavv> Coincidentally, EA Stock price is slipping. I think because people are going back to work.
2020-11-07 16:26:45: <Waterman> Inside each 'game' they could include a 'movie' or 'mini-series' following story content basically for FREE . . .for mundanes like me to watch (offline) while the gamers had at the scenario.
2020-11-07 16:27:35: <Waterman> Video games have been out-performing film 10-12x over for YEARS before COVID . . .
2020-11-07 16:27:37: <Hippy> Lengthy cut scenes s you hunt the RW for the mising ARMs
2020-11-07 16:28:01: <Hippy> Then you have to work out where the RW is in space
2020-11-07 16:28:19: <Ptavv> You mean like one of those "Starship troopers sequels Waterman? or Titan AE?
2020-11-07 16:28:20: <Waterman> See, Hippy? THAT'S the model I'm promoting.
2020-11-07 16:28:35: <Hippy> Then the last, and most lengthy part of the game, is getting back to Earth where your party guests are wondering where you've been to all these years
2020-11-07 16:28:57: <Waterman> Ptavv, yes . . .but BETTER,
2020-11-07 16:29:57: <Waterman> because it's not about the fact that it's a video game, but because the game designers put a LOT more effort into the storylines they write than Hollywood does for their scripts.
2020-11-07 16:31:14: <Ptavv> How much of that is producers an marketers messing with the script?
2020-11-07 16:31:15: <neil> the problem is commercialisation of the space. games have gradually dumbed down gameplay. Most triple-A titles lately have felt like a crappy console game ported to PC
2020-11-07 16:31:54: <Hippy> The same thing happened in the arcades
2020-11-07 16:32:09: <neil> make em easier to play and reduce the learning curve
2020-11-07 16:32:17: <Waterman> yneil, it's a sad trend, but I still feel that Known Space will get a better treatment out of 'Gamerland' than Hollywood anymore.
2020-11-07 16:32:48: <neil> no doubt, but pick your game studio wisely or you could end up with a "fallout 76" mmorpg for RW
2020-11-07 16:33:00: <neil> and '76 _sucks_
2020-11-07 16:33:16: <Waterman> Never said that it wasn't fraught . . .it ALWAYS is.
2020-11-07 16:33:52: <Waterman> If my fiction ever 'takes off', I'd want it to go the graphic novel and videogame route than film.
2020-11-07 16:34:15: <neil> If you could get the WoW Burning Crusade devs and mesh them in with the Fallout New Vegas devs, you could get the game you want ;-)
2020-11-07 16:34:36: <Hippy> Then let's do that!
2020-11-07 16:34:48: <Hippy> I've got a bit of tax refund left over from my TV
2020-11-07 16:35:12: <Hippy> If Nick can go without water for a month, he can invest, too
2020-11-07 16:35:35: <neil> Given our budget, I think we're looking to find a third party with a basement big enough to chain both dev tems in once we have them kidnapped
2020-11-07 16:35:40: <Waterman> If the MCU could overturn 40 years of crappy 'superhero' movies and make something decent and competent, then I think the same is possible for Known Space . . .
2020-11-07 16:37:04: <dmac> One caveat, don't put the development team in a basement that floods ...
2020-11-07 16:37:23: <neil> dmac: it would incentivise the dev schedule...
2020-11-07 16:37:28: <dmac> lol
2020-11-07 16:37:34: <Waterman> Dunno what Larry thinks, of course; HE owns the rights, and knows more about this stuff than I do.
2020-11-07 16:37:41: <neil> brb
2020-11-07 16:37:56: <Hippy> No, they'd end up writing tons of escape room scenarios!
2020-11-07 16:40:03: <Waterman> Video games seem to cost around 50-200M$ to develop, which is competitive with blockbuster films . . .
2020-11-07 16:41:04: <Ptavv> Waterman I am not sure that Chris Nolan would agree with your opinion of superhero movies.
2020-11-07 16:41:20: <iFred> But the MCU has snatched defeat from the salivating jaws of victory and are now making crap movies again
2020-11-07 16:42:05: <Hippy> Meanwhile, we Tolkien fans wait with Lovecraftian dread for what Amazon is going to do to tolkien
2020-11-07 16:42:15: <Waterman> Good for him. Marvel Studios has done better and has been more consistent than anyone else, even if not everyone loves every movie.
2020-11-07 16:42:46: <Hippy> Apparently the producers of this thing are basing their cred on an unproduced Star Trek movie script.
2020-11-07 16:43:02: <Waterman> Yerk. Hippy, Tolkien is easy to get WRONG and hard to get 'right', depending on what YOUR values of 'right' happen to be.
2020-11-07 16:43:11: <Hippy> 'The capacity to fail up' as somebody put it
2020-11-07 16:44:03: <Ptavv> I'm just say that the man can make a good superhero movie. Better than most Marvel movies.
2020-11-07 16:44:31: <Hippy> Well, the purists wnat the pure book, the movie fans dont kind fucking around with the storyline, those of us in the middle realise the book's limitatins to become a movie, but can't tolerate the hack writers Peter Jackson put on it.
2020-11-07 16:44:32: <Waterman> Yep. IMHO, having watched crappy superhero movies from the 70's to the early '00s, Marvel Studios has nailed it more often than not for me, and that's a quantum level of improvement for ME.
2020-11-07 16:44:53: <Hippy> But Nick did a much better review of the problem than I can do here
2020-11-07 16:45:03: <Waterman> Then again, I'm not a comic book 'purist'.
2020-11-07 16:45:21: <NickE> wait what now?
2020-11-07 16:45:49: <NickE> oh LotR, right
2020-11-07 16:45:52: <Ptavv> I am with you Waterman.
2020-11-07 16:45:52: <Hippy> Your review of the radio series of LOTR pointed out some of the problems with changing the medium in Tolkien
2020-11-07 16:46:25: <Hippy> that was good.  The screenreader read LotR' as the full title
2020-11-07 16:46:25: <NickE> yeah, I did touch on that
2020-11-07 16:46:38: <NickE> its a problem most adaptations have
2020-11-07 16:46:53: <NickE> but it doesnt have to be a problem if its done well enough
2020-11-07 16:47:10: <Waterman> Tolkien is very 'internal' in a lot of ways . . .the pictures he 'paints' with words are hard to translate to video, and despite the liberties Mr Jackson took I think he nailed a LOT of the visuals . . .
2020-11-07 16:47:26: <Hippy> Whereas, there is NO EXCUSE for changing Faramir's character to fit your stupid idea of a storyline, Fran Walsh, you Kiwi HACK!
2020-11-07 16:47:34: <Waterman> <waits for the inevitable wave of refutations>
2020-11-07 16:47:50: <NickE> I agree. Having long established Tolkein artists involved helped a lot there
2020-11-07 16:47:57: <Hippy> I'm just getting warmed up, Waterman...
2020-11-07 16:47:57: <iFred> You won’t get an argument from me. I bailed on the Lord of the rings movies somewhere during the first one.
2020-11-07 16:48:19: <Ptavv> I would prefer Lords of the Ringworld.
2020-11-07 16:48:27: <iFred> Heh
2020-11-07 16:48:33: <Hippy> Ooh, fanfic crossover!
2020-11-07 16:48:39: <Ptavv> On ring to house them all!
2020-11-07 16:48:41: <Waterman> Nice, Ptavv! But that's Larry's call . . .
2020-11-07 16:48:45: <NickE> funny, I can cope with the many liberties and enjoy all 3 versions (book, radio, film)
2020-11-07 16:48:47: <Hippy> And if there are real hobbits anywhere, that's where you'll find them
2020-11-07 16:49:03: <iFred> One of those world maps from the great ocean. Probably the one in the middle.
2020-11-07 16:49:15: <NickE> heh
2020-11-07 16:49:17: <Waterman> Probably dozens of species of diminutive hominids on the Ring . . .
2020-11-07 16:49:19: <Ptavv> Orcs and Trolls too.
2020-11-07 16:49:25: <NickE> No mines though
2020-11-07 16:49:36: <NickE> yep - all hominid variants
2020-11-07 16:49:38: <Waterman> Vaccuum mines . . .
2020-11-07 16:49:48: <Hippy> Well, maybe the Homo floresiensis is still around the Map of Earth
2020-11-07 16:50:07: <Ptavv> Didn't the machine people have mines?
2020-11-07 16:50:16: <Waterman> Sorry, I've done all of the Known Space fanfic I am capable of already . . .
2020-11-07 16:50:24: <Hippy> The Kzinti had a strip mine
2020-11-07 16:50:31: <dmac> Ptavv, once you hit Scrith, you're done digging.
2020-11-07 16:50:34: <Hippy> ...on their Map
2020-11-07 16:50:56: <dmac> More like a strip maul. :)
2020-11-07 16:50:58: <Hippy> The rich resources are at the base of the rim walls
2020-11-07 16:51:01: <Ptavv> Shallow mine trolls.
2020-11-07 16:51:28: <iFred> You can dig all you want in the spill mountains
2020-11-07 16:51:34: <dmac> Base of rim walls. I had forgot. Yep, that would be a place.
2020-11-07 16:51:54: <Waterman> I'm sure that the Builders left stocks of raw material here and there for their own use . . .atop the Ring walls, and inside Maps like the Map of Mars.
2020-11-07 16:52:12: <Waterman> Or inside the Spill Mtns.
2020-11-07 16:52:24: <Hippy> And you have, or had, six colonyworlds to mine
2020-11-07 16:52:56: <iFred> If you believe Prill
2020-11-07 16:52:58: <Dan> Got the grandson on the zero-turn riding mower now. He's never used one before and he's finding out how much fun it really is, LOL!
2020-11-07 16:53:04: <Waterman> Strip mines are only good for as much of the 'cosmetic' cladding of rock & soil as you can process.
2020-11-07 16:53:05: <dmac> One problem with mining the Spill Mountains, material continuously coming down changing the forces on your tunnels.
2020-11-07 16:53:21: <Hippy> No, there were holograms in the origianl Map Room
2020-11-07 16:53:23: <Waterman> When he's done, Dan, I've got some work for him . . .
2020-11-07 16:53:55: <Waterman> The dirt & rock 'cladding' is probably pretty low-grade stuff . . .
2020-11-07 16:53:57: <Dan> You'll have to come and get him, LOL!
2020-11-07 16:54:12: <iFred> But how much of the map is missdirection?
2020-11-07 16:54:39: <Hippy> In the Map Room from the first novel?  Good question
2020-11-07 16:54:51: <iFred> And how would the guy who built the map room in the tower of heaven know anyway?
2020-11-07 16:55:29: <Hippy> Because he was a City Builder in touch with all the other City Builders around the RW
2020-11-07 16:55:30: <Dan> Low-speed aireal surveylance?
2020-11-07 16:55:52: <iFred> That wouldn’t tell him what those worlds meant
2020-11-07 16:56:06: <Hippy> He has Ringbook and he foudn out about it there
2020-11-07 16:56:20: <Hippy> Or Facering...hmmm....
2020-11-07 16:56:45: <Ptavv> The map room was based on pictures taken from the shadow squares wasn't it?
2020-11-07 16:56:49: <Dan> As long as he didn't spend all his time on Rishathra-hub.
2020-11-07 16:56:57: <Hippy> But if Prill is lying, and the builder of Heaven is lying too, that's a coincidence of deceit I'm not buying
2020-11-07 16:57:04: <Hippy> LOL, Dan
2020-11-07 16:57:27: <Hippy> The Map Room in Lyar City was, the Map Room in Heaven was made from tapes
2020-11-07 16:57:36: <Hippy> ...or some recorded medium, anyway
2020-11-07 16:57:38: <iFred> Louis had a tendency to tell Prill his conclusions and she verified them
2020-11-07 16:57:51: <Dan> But we don't know the source of those tapes.
2020-11-07 16:58:02: <Hippy> So, they're fiction?
2020-11-07 16:58:13: <Hippy> Where did the CB ramscoops go?
2020-11-07 16:58:36: <Dan> No, but we can't count on them being something the Protectors made during construction.
2020-11-07 16:58:37: <iFred> They argued in when the super conductor plate got them
2020-11-07 16:58:41: <neil> my guess is they carried the SC plague and they died mid flight
2020-11-07 16:58:50: <iFred> Or what Neil said
2020-11-07 16:59:23: <Hippy> Did Prill work on a ramsoop?
2020-11-07 16:59:32: <Dan> She said she did.
2020-11-07 16:59:37: <neil> she said she was crew
2020-11-07 16:59:43: <Hippy> We are moving back to basic assumptions here
2020-11-07 17:00:04: <Dan> That's why I stated that she SAID she was crew.
2020-11-07 17:00:08: <Hippy> Are we doubting that?  Ship's prostitute?  Is there any doubt?
2020-11-07 17:00:16: <iFred> Sure
2020-11-07 17:00:31: <Dan> I doubt almost everything, expecially my own logic.
2020-11-07 17:00:33: <iFred> She was an insane goddess for how many centuries?
2020-11-07 17:00:38: <Hippy> So, she went somewhere on a ramscoop.  Where?  Habitable planet?
2020-11-07 17:00:39: <neil> We know Prill lied about things
2020-11-07 17:01:04: <Hippy> We shoudlnt' specualte whiel we have the author here...
2020-11-07 17:01:07: <dmac> But not necessarily all things.
2020-11-07 17:01:18: <Hippy> But, for your information...
2020-11-07 17:01:53: <neil> indeed, dmac
2020-11-07 17:02:22: <dmac> so, how to distingush?
2020-11-07 17:02:30: <Hippy> Now, graned, you're not beinging back much on these ramscoops..
2020-11-07 17:02:55: <Waterman> My fanfic explores some notions of what the CB ramscoops were up to . . .
2020-11-07 17:02:56: <dmac> I don't know. They were pretty big.
2020-11-07 17:03:27: <Hippy> Well, size of a bulk cargo ship, or maybe larger
2020-11-07 17:03:29: <Waterman> Kilometers long ...
2020-11-07 17:03:40: <Hippy> Ah...
2020-11-07 17:03:42: <Dan> I forget how long a ramscoop round-trip was supposed to have been for the crew.
2020-11-07 17:03:54: <Waterman> Hundreds of years objective . . .
2020-11-07 17:04:06: <Hippy> Relativistic effects for the rew, but Waterman is right
2020-11-07 17:04:08: <iFred> But the whole story of the ram scopes making a circuit to the original world falls apart unless those were somehow pak worlds
2020-11-07 17:04:10: <dmac> that's my recollection too.
2020-11-07 17:04:23: <Waterman>  . . .they had a Ring attitude jet wrapped around them . . . so BIG.
2020-11-07 17:04:32: <dmac> why iFred?
2020-11-07 17:04:49: <Hippy> That's right, Fred, it does.  But these worlds are CV-discoered worlds
2020-11-07 17:05:09: <Hippy> Prill's point about them beign the original worlds is definitely wrong
2020-11-07 17:05:27: <Waterman> I posit multiple Ringworlds, each several hundred LY apart . . . and other 'Ball' worlds, Pak-settled . . .
2020-11-07 17:05:31: <iFred> As is the whole story about the treasures being moved one piece at a time
2020-11-07 17:05:45: <Dan> Yeah, the donor worlds for the scrith and whatnow wouldn't have been there any more.
2020-11-07 17:06:16: <Hippy> But I can see that refined metals from the ball worlds coming back on cargo ships.  CB's have a mjch better handle on civilisation than we do
2020-11-07 17:07:06: <neil> It helps when have most of the tech-tree unlocked for you at the start of the game
2020-11-07 17:07:19: <Waterman> Or just asteroid mining in other systems . . .easier than mining a Ball world.
2020-11-07 17:07:50: <dmac> what about transmutation?
2020-11-07 17:08:01: <Waterman> Sharper learning curve, but they had all of the Ring Builder's tech at their disposal.
2020-11-07 17:08:04: <Hippy> LOL
2020-11-07 17:08:11: <Waterman> That too, dmac!
2020-11-07 17:08:11: <Dan> City Builders seem more like steampunks to me now, using found tech as much or more than they created.
2020-11-07 17:08:21: <neil> That was one of Prill's lies, wasn't it?
2020-11-07 17:08:23: <iFred> They decided transmutation was nonsense in engineers
2020-11-07 17:08:30: <Waterman> Cargo Cult . . .
2020-11-07 17:09:14: <iFred> Neil, IIRC transmutation is one of the things Louis came up with and Prill confirmed
2020-11-07 17:09:20: <neil> yup
2020-11-07 17:09:35: <dmac> if Prill lies about everything > too many degrees of freedom as to truth.
2020-11-07 17:09:36: <Waterman> Confirmation bias . . .manipulated.
2020-11-07 17:09:44: <Dan> So, possible, but unlikely in the long run?
2020-11-07 17:10:40: <Waterman> But the Ring Builders DID have startling tech . . .as did the Pak. If not hyperdrive, then gravity control, superconductors, and some hefty materials science.
2020-11-07 17:10:44: <iFred> The only time I believed prayer was when fist of God scared her because she knew there wasn’t any such structure on the ring
2020-11-07 17:10:47: <neil> Unlikely - bulk transmutation is a real game changer
2020-11-07 17:11:07: <iFred> Prayer=Prill
2020-11-07 17:12:06: <Hippy> Maybe the whole thing is ies, thought up by some guy in California?  <sad shudder of despair>
2020-11-07 17:12:22: <iFred> 😱
2020-11-07 17:12:47: <Waterman> Fist of God must have occurred while she was on the ramship . . .
2020-11-07 17:12:57: <Dan> Are you saying that Larry is a Protector-stage entity, only telling us what fits with his own plans?
2020-11-07 17:13:02: <Waterman> Cynical, Hippy!
2020-11-07 17:13:28: <Hippy> I could be saying that we're all figments of his imagination
2020-11-07 17:13:43: <Hippy> We only think we're real because he thinks we can think taht
2020-11-07 17:13:51: <Waterman> Man, Larry must have been having a BAD day when he dreamt ME . . .
2020-11-07 17:14:06: <Hippy> And the next stage in this part of the chat is a Pythong quote :)
2020-11-07 17:14:23: <Dan> I don't know... Sometimes y'all go away, but I'm always right here. :)
2020-11-07 17:14:41: <Hippy> He's a dab hand at accents, though.  Nick's and mine are pretty accurate
2020-11-07 17:14:46: <iFred> “A palindrome of ring world would be Notlob“
2020-11-07 17:14:58: <Hippy> LOL!
2020-11-07 17:15:06: <Waterman> Buwhahaha!
2020-11-07 17:15:18: <Hippy> And that, Ptavv, is where we start to get too silly
2020-11-07 17:15:39: <Dan> Damn, wasted a perfectly good Heinlein quote...
2020-11-07 17:15:45: <dmac> So, the universe isn't a computer simulation. Instead, we're just part of Larry's imagination? Interesting. How do you prove that?
2020-11-07 17:15:57: <iFred> Hey let’s start a Chinese restaurant called “the ministry of silly woks”
2020-11-07 17:16:10: <Sten> He said Fist of God! Stone him!
2020-11-07 17:16:12: <neil> Well, when Larry logs off the chat, folks vanish
2020-11-07 17:16:13: <Hippy> Also, notice that Larry's Swedish is a bit low, so Sten and Jesper havent' said much
2020-11-07 17:16:24: <Waterman> I'd like to think that Jerry would have said, 'No, Larry, the 'Waterman' character is WAY too unrealistic to be a soldier . . .'
2020-11-07 17:16:25: <Hippy> Oh, and there he is
2020-11-07 17:16:40: <Sten> I am ALWAYS here
2020-11-07 17:16:47: <Sten> Except when I am not
2020-11-07 17:17:05: <Dan> And what is a mouse when it spins?
2020-11-07 17:17:07: <Hippy> And what's with my eyesight, Larry?  What's that all about????
2020-11-07 17:17:07: <NickE> hehe
2020-11-07 17:17:26: <iFred> The adventures of super conductor repairman!
2020-11-07 17:17:46: <neil> So how do we expand this Larryist philosophy so we can get the perks of a cult^H^H^H^Hreligion?
2020-11-07 17:17:47: <Waterman> Hey, Larry knows SOME Russian, right? That explains my low scores in DLI . . .NOT!
2020-11-07 17:17:59: <dmac> Sorry guys, I've got to go walk the dog. Next month.
2020-11-07 17:18:06: <neil> ttfn dmac
2020-11-07 17:18:14: <Waterman> But then, all languages are 'made up', right?
2020-11-07 17:18:17: <Hippy> 'Bye, damc!
2020-11-07 17:18:23: <Hippy> Enjoy Thanksgiving
2020-11-07 17:18:27: <Waterman> Next time, dmac!
2020-11-07 17:18:49: *** dmac <dmac!46bf52ad@> has quit IRC (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
2020-11-07 17:22:51: <iFred> Does anybody else have the problem of the Facebook “correcting” Niven to read Nevin?
2020-11-07 17:22:59: <Dan> Not yet.
2020-11-07 17:23:12: <Waterman> I was never comfortable with the Ringworld being a 'one-off', so I posited MORE of them; conveniently several hundred LY apart, as a part of Pak colonization in this part of the Galaxy . . .
2020-11-07 17:23:15: <Hippy> No...
2020-11-07 17:23:23: <iFred> It does it to me every single time
2020-11-07 17:23:29: <Sten> Does Facebook have its own spellcheck or is it using the main computer one?
2020-11-07 17:23:43: <iFred> Facebook claims it doesn’t but it’s well documented that they are lying
2020-11-07 17:23:59: <iFred> So you’re probably getting errors from both the computer one and the Facebook one compounding
2020-11-07 17:24:00: <Waterman> I just use the IRC client on Chrome . . .
2020-11-07 17:24:00: <Hippy> that's some aggressive colonisation, Waterman
2020-11-07 17:24:06: <Sten> Huh? Why would they lie about that?
2020-11-07 17:24:16: <iFred> Facebook lies about everything
2020-11-07 17:24:18: <Waterman> Galaxy is a BIG place . . .
2020-11-07 17:24:20: <Sten> I mean I don't trust them but what would be the benefit?
2020-11-07 17:24:48: <Sten> What happens if you turn off the spellcheck in the browser?
2020-11-07 17:24:54: <iFred> They lie that they have real people doing their fact checking and censoring when it’s pretty obviously keywords
2020-11-07 17:25:09: <iFred> Well I am in the Facebook app not the browser
2020-11-07 17:25:26: <iFred> But the weird corrections are very different in Facebook than they are elsewhere
2020-11-07 17:25:41: <iFred> Facebook tends to use the corrupted spellings of rappers names
2020-11-07 17:25:59: <Sten> Yes, but that is benefitting them. Lying about having a spell check when they don't have one I would understand. But why would they take the time and spend the resources to make one and then pretend they didn't?
2020-11-07 17:26:06: <Waterman> Pak hit Earth and Wunderland, 3MYA (when Sol & Wunderland were MUCH farther apart); why not OTHER systems as well?
2020-11-07 17:26:09: <Hippy> I heard a story that they do have real people checking, but that these people are ostly homeless people who're being paid bugger all and spending most of that on relaxation herbs so they can fact check better.
2020-11-07 17:26:20: <iFred> They will always spell the ship name Nautilis
2020-11-07 17:26:39: <Hippy> They hit Wunderland?
2020-11-07 17:26:47: <Sten> I mean I am not saying you are wrong. I just struggle to see the point.
2020-11-07 17:26:58: <iFred> I agree
2020-11-07 17:27:06: <iFred> But much of what Facebook does makes no sense
2020-11-07 17:27:14: <Sten> True.
2020-11-07 17:27:25: <Waterman> In the MKW canon, Hippy. 'Morlocks' and 'less-locks' are evolved Pak breeders . . .
2020-11-07 17:27:35: <iFred> Seriously the only explanation I’ve ever heard for Facebook‘s behavior that explains it is that the whole thing is a social experiment to see how much crap you fill it up with before you quit
2020-11-07 17:27:52: <Hippy> That's an MKW I haven't read
2020-11-07 17:28:15: * Hippy wishes all the MKW's were out on the Kindle, but #2 isn't
2020-11-07 17:28:42: <Sten> I have heard that they like to roll out new features to some users and then measure the reactions and the effects. That would make some sort of sense.
2020-11-07 17:28:50: <Waterman> I got all the MKW anthologies on dead trees, as they came out, starting in '88 . . .
2020-11-07 17:28:56: <Ptavv> see y'all!!
2020-11-07 17:29:04: <neil> ttfn Ptavv
2020-11-07 17:29:04: <iFred> Yes I have been on the Beta torment secret list forever
2020-11-07 17:29:05: <Waterman> Later, Ptavv!
2020-11-07 17:29:07: <NickE> ta ta
2020-11-07 17:29:12: *** Ptavv <Ptavv!68b63206@> has quit IRC (Connection closed)
2020-11-07 17:29:13: <Hippy> 'Bye, Ptavv!
2020-11-07 17:29:30: <Hippy> Dang
2020-11-07 17:29:40: <iFred> And hippie I agree there have to be some live people
2020-11-07 17:29:53: <iFred> No machine intelligence could be this stupid and sadistic
2020-11-07 17:30:03: <Hippy> :)
2020-11-07 17:30:18: <neil> gotta remember that AI is racist, iFred
2020-11-07 17:30:21: <iFred> Facebook explained my many false sanctions by saying that their sensors don’t speak English
2020-11-07 17:30:39: <iFred> Thus ensuring that all cultures are comfortable with what they do
2020-11-07 17:31:19: <Waterman> Facebook is a way of monetizing people by putting ads in front of their faces in a VERY targeted fashion, and selling that screen-space to the highest bidder. We're the commodity being sold.
2020-11-07 17:31:26: <iFred> I got thrown off for a week for using the term “non-human“
2020-11-07 17:31:45: <iFred> I was talking about a synthesized computer voice Telemarketer
2020-11-07 17:31:58: <Hippy> You've got to be more superficial, Fred
2020-11-07 17:32:01: <iFred> I think that one’s pretty much got to be a knee-jerk keyword response
2020-11-07 17:32:07: <NickE> about a non human? ooookay
2020-11-07 17:32:14: <Waterman> The algorithms used to analyze people's 'likes/dislikes' are exactly as racist as the people programming them.
2020-11-07 17:32:16: <Hippy> Pictures of your food and location updates
2020-11-07 17:32:49: <neil>
2020-11-07 17:33:16: <Waterman> I might get away with using a 'key-word' depending on a demographic, while YOU may NOT, depending on YOURS . . .
2020-11-07 17:33:25: <neil> There's a fun game you can play on google called "is it racist?"
2020-11-07 17:33:32: <neil> just replace "it" with anything
2020-11-07 17:34:01: <Waterman> Google uses the same targeted demographics; it 'knows' where you 'belong'.
2020-11-07 17:34:15: *** Larry <Larry!6821d199@> has quit IRC (Connection closed)
2020-11-07 17:34:21: <neil> this is why I dumped FB & google
2020-11-07 17:34:22: <iFred> Wahhhhhh
2020-11-07 17:34:33: <iFred> I’ve done my best to adopt Google
2020-11-07 17:34:34: <Waterman> I could type in one thing, and get it called 'racist'; you could type in the same word and have Google say it isn't.
2020-11-07 17:34:45: <iFred> But they keep making unholy alliances with sites that require you to use Chrome
2020-11-07 17:35:05: <iFred> Adopt Google? I said dump Google
2020-11-07 17:35:05: <neil> That's intersectionality, Waterman. Implicitly racist in itself
2020-11-07 17:35:09: <Sten> I use duckduckgo for most of my searching needs
2020-11-07 17:35:14: <Hippy> It lloks like cherry advocaat isn't racist
2020-11-07 17:35:19: <neil> LOL
2020-11-07 17:35:21: <Waterman> Everyone is fighting for YOUR screen-time.
2020-11-07 17:35:32: <Waterman> yneil, naturally . . .
2020-11-07 17:35:34: <neil> Hippy: try milk ;-)
2020-11-07 17:36:07: <Hippy> No, no, eggs and ethanol, that's the ticket
2020-11-07 17:36:25: <iFred> My friend Traci and I will discuss something in messenger and get ads for it and Facebook within 30 seconds flat
2020-11-07 17:36:37: <iFred> We know Amazon and Facebook are in collusion
2020-11-07 17:36:38: <Hippy> Google also says there aren't many matches for my search
2020-11-07 17:36:51: <iFred> Yesterday I got the worst corn beef sandwich I’ve ever had via Grubhub
2020-11-07 17:36:59: <iFred> I didn’t mention the name of the restaurant to anyone
2020-11-07 17:37:02: <Waterman> I'm sure I confuse the Hell out of the algorithms by the enormously wide range of Google searches I make . . .all it can do is 'run home to Momma' by assuming I am a baseline 50-year old white male from CO.
2020-11-07 17:37:10: <iFred> And today my Facebook feed is full of ads for that restaurant
2020-11-07 17:37:25: <iFred> So they either have a deal with Grubhub or with the Safari itself
2020-11-07 17:37:29: <Hippy> Not only that, Fred, but they're in league with the water comapny, and they've put spy camera in your kitchen taps
2020-11-07 17:37:37: <iFred> 😂
2020-11-07 17:37:48: <iFred> No spy camera could withstand the water that comes out of my kitchen tap
2020-11-07 17:37:50: <Hippy> And your toothbrush reports back to the FBI
2020-11-07 17:37:52: <Sten> I am a translator. I spent a lot of last week searching for menstruation related words. I now get interesting ads.
2020-11-07 17:37:54: <Waterman> Oh, it's ALL connected, iFred. The services all sell & share info across platforms.
2020-11-07 17:38:12: <Waterman> Buwhahaha, Sten!
2020-11-07 17:38:47: <Hippy> Larry has disconnecgted.  Do we still exiat?
2020-11-07 17:39:05: <Hippy> And if we do, what does the RCMP know about us?
2020-11-07 17:39:11: <NickE> Well Im going to behave like I still do
2020-11-07 17:39:14: <neil> obPython: I don't...
2020-11-07 17:39:16: <iFred> My new blood sugar sensor just went live. Its first action was to scream and alert at me that my glucose is too high.
2020-11-07 17:39:24: <Waterman> I don't do professional translation anymore, Sten. But I used to do Russian, German, & Italian back and forth with English.
2020-11-07 17:39:44: <NickE> wow
2020-11-07 17:39:51: <neil> Adios all! I must away and curry some chicken
2020-11-07 17:39:58: <Hippy> It's second thing was to reboot my phone, Fred.  What the hell?
2020-11-07 17:40:06: <Hippy> That's a new expression
2020-11-07 17:40:08: <iFred> Lol
2020-11-07 17:40:14: <NickE> (sorry, couldnt keep up with a lot earlier)
2020-11-07 17:40:22: <NickE> later Neil
2020-11-07 17:40:24: <Hippy> 'Bye Neil.  Curry on!
2020-11-07 17:40:33: <Sten> That is impressive, Waterman. Most only translate into their native language. Way harder to translate into a foreign one.
2020-11-07 17:40:53: <iFred> So if I read these instructions correctly it’s going to sound off an alarm and vibrate every five minutes all night every night
2020-11-07 17:41:23: <Waterman> Sten, my first gig was Russian to English, for the US Army. Then I did German & Italian to English and back again.
2020-11-07 17:41:24: <Hippy> The resultant stress will cosnume more calories, Fred
2020-11-07 17:42:15: <Hippy> My Irish is good enough for translationn, provided we only talk about what colour the cook's hat is
2020-11-07 17:42:37: <Sten> I can only imagine how many times you must have heard the joke about "Vodka is good but the meat is rotten".
2020-11-07 17:42:37: <Hippy> Beyond that, I'll buy you a Guinness
2020-11-07 17:43:48: <Waterman> Hehehe, Sten. One day I'll relate why all prospective Russian to English translators were given a thorough grounding in Russian pejoratives, epithets and 'general terms of abuse'.
2020-11-07 17:43:54: <Dan> I have 8 Guinness for Stupid O'Clock's show tonight.
2020-11-07 17:44:29: <Hippy> I finlly found that, Dan, but it sounds like it's just a music show, right?
2020-11-07 17:44:39: <NickE> while I'm apparently conscious, here's the link to the very last Broadwaves show. Its rough around the edges, but it does contain the Niven List Meetup from Dublin 2019, with Edmund, Hippy, Sten, Jesper and ,me, plus the LotR round table with me Hippy, 3 of my offspring and Elise McKennam something of a Tolkein expert. Plus a buncha other stuff I p
2020-11-07 17:44:39: <NickE> ut together, some Firefly Filk and articles, but no linking banter or explanations. 3hrs 40 if you dare!
2020-11-07 17:44:40: <NickE> ng
2020-11-07 17:44:43: <Dan> 8 pints ought to last me the entire 3-hour show.
2020-11-07 17:45:52: <Waterman> Buwhahaha, Dan!
2020-11-07 17:46:13: <Dan> Hey, it IS me we're talking about, LOL!
2020-11-07 17:46:14: <iFred> Teela is a huge Firefly fan
2020-11-07 17:46:17: <Sten> NickE, cool!
2020-11-07 17:46:20: <Hippy> a long URL
2020-11-07 17:46:25: <iFred> But she’s not her
2020-11-07 17:46:29: <iFred> Here
2020-11-07 17:46:30: <Waterman> As am I, iFred.
2020-11-07 17:46:45: <iFred> I guess she snoozed and she losed
2020-11-07 17:46:56: <NickE> should warn that the chat quality is dubious at best due to background noise (bar)
2020-11-07 17:47:12: <Sten> I do not have access to that file
2020-11-07 17:47:22: <Waterman> I've missed the last several Chats, due to circumstances beyond my control.
2020-11-07 17:47:25: <Dan> Oh, and JoeDog's Hallowcon is now the industry standard for virtual conventions.
2020-11-07 17:47:27: <NickE> I think I pasted it twice
2020-11-07 17:47:30: <NickE>
2020-11-07 17:47:38: <NickE> or 3 times
2020-11-07 17:48:23: <Waterman> I'm gonna log off. Take care, everyone! Good to heard from you all again!
2020-11-07 17:48:33: *** Waterman <Waterman!4903f4d2@> has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed)
2020-11-07 17:48:35: <iFred> Su jus
2020-11-07 17:48:36: <NickE> Cheer w
2020-11-07 17:48:36: <Dan> Hippy, no. It' like being at a con, on a panel, or in the hallway between panels.
2020-11-07 17:48:46: <Hippy> He moves liek a blur
2020-11-07 17:49:21: <Hippy> Oh!  Well, in that case, I'll hunt it up again and subscribe
2020-11-07 17:49:54: <NickE> hmm. I'll work out a Drobox or something then as this may not end up on the site
2020-11-07 17:50:04: <Dan> Just look for the link on Facebook or the Stupid O'clock page or on Joe McKeel's page.
2020-11-07 17:50:07: <NickE>
2020-11-07 17:50:35: <Hippy> Righto, Dan
2020-11-07 17:50:47: <Hippy> It should be a good mix of Southern accents, too :)
2020-11-07 17:51:10: <Dan> Ought to be 11 AM for you, Hippy--tonight anyway. Thursdays it would be at 9.
2020-11-07 17:51:39: <Hippy> Listening live will be a problem with NaNoWriMo on
2020-11-07 17:52:32: <Dan> Unless Daylight Savings time has me off by an hour. It's 5:52 PM here now. Show starts at 11 PM, again here.
2020-11-07 17:53:25: <Hippy> 11PM there is 3PM the following day here
2020-11-07 17:53:54: <Hippy> Sorry, 3PM today
2020-11-07 17:54:17: <Hippy> At which time I shall be at my weekly writing group
2020-11-07 17:54:37: <Hippy> Swilling down the pinot gris adn doing the occasional type
2020-11-07 17:56:26: <Hippy> Anyway, as 10AM is looming, I shall lurk for a bit whilst I rady myself to face the day
2020-11-07 17:56:52: *** Hippy is now known as The_Lurking_Eye
2020-11-07 18:06:16: <Sten> I will leave as well. See you next month.
2020-11-07 18:06:22: *** Sten <Sten!49bd37b0@> has quit IRC (Quit: Connection closed)
2020-11-07 18:07:15: <Dan> Oldest daughter sent me a birthday present: a coffee cup big enough to boil a missionary, LOL!
2020-11-07 18:08:27: <Dan> She knows me so well!
2020-11-07 18:09:08: <Dan> All right, time for me to make my own exit. Goodnight, everyone!
2020-11-07 18:09:13: *** Dan <Dan!Dan@> has quit IRC (Quit: Sorry, must dash!)
2020-11-07 18:09:36: <NickE> Me too, blimey everyone's heading off
2020-11-07 18:12:54: <NickE> night all
2020-11-07 18:13:55: *** NickE <NickE!1f36adbc@> has quit IRC (Connection closed)
2020-11-07 18:45:35: *** The_Lurking_Eye is now known as Hippy
2020-11-07 18:45:52: <Hippy> Ah, looks like everyone's gone
2020-11-07 18:46:12: <Hippy> Happy Thanksgiving, and see you all in summer :)
2020-11-07 18:46:18: *** Hippy <Hippy!hippy@> has quit IRC (Quit:)
2020-11-07 19:50:39: *** iFred <iFred!iFred@> has quit IRC (Connection closed)