Saturday, 7 December, 2013 - 12:00am
2013-12-07 01:49:46 : <fredskuentz> I appended the announcement for redistribution
2013-12-07 01:49:54 : <fredskuentz> On December 7, the anniversary of STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE, which is vastly and objectively better than the Abrams Crap Trek trek crap, there will be Niven Chat!
2013-12-07 01:53:07 : <fredskuentz>
2013-12-07 02:32:02 : "johnmanyjars" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 03:01:44 : <fredskuentz> Hey Mark
2013-12-07 03:20:37 : "johnmanyjars" left the channel.
2013-12-07 03:23:23 : "johnmanyjars" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 03:48:59 : <fredskuentz> Hey Mark
2013-12-07 12:08:27 : "Akiraa" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 14:42:54 : "Lensman" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 14:52:01 : "johnmanyjars" left the channel.
2013-12-07 14:57:11 : "johnmanyjars" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 19:36:22 : <fredskuentz> Hey Mark
2013-12-07 19:41:40 : <sean> .weather klou
2013-12-07 19:41:41 : <Outsider> Overcast ☁, 26.6℉ (-3℃), 30.56in (1031mb), Light breeze 4kt (↻) - KLOU 18:53Z
2013-12-07 19:41:43 : <sean> brrrrr
2013-12-07 19:48:02 : <fredskuentz> .weather kphx
2013-12-07 19:48:03 : <Outsider> Clear ☼, 51.8℉ (11℃), 30.06in (1015mb), Light breeze 5kt (↑) - KPHX 18:51Z
2013-12-07 19:48:52 : "Hippy" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 19:49:14 : <Hippy> Holy Crap, I made it!
2013-12-07 19:49:53 : <Hippy> And good topic, Fred. Still the best of the ST movies
2013-12-07 19:51:09 : <Hippy> Some may see the premiere as the second Day that will Live in Infamy but I don't
waves to a passing tumbleweed
2013-12-07 19:52:13 : "gofffan" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 19:52:29 : <Hippy> Hi, gofffan
2013-12-07 19:52:35 : <gofffan> Hi Hippy!
2013-12-07 19:53:36 : <gofffan> ST:TMP - cool topic Fred.
2013-12-07 19:54:08 : <Hippy> Yes, I thought that, too, but everyone else has been stunned rigid by it
2013-12-07 19:58:49 : <gofffan> Maybe they're just otherwise engaged at the moment. We could start with Robert Abel and Co. and the Enterprise design ....
2013-12-07 19:59:29 : <Hippy> Still the most iconic design for a spaceship ever
2013-12-07 19:59:33 : "Larry" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 19:59:43 : <Hippy> Hi, Larry!
2013-12-07 19:59:52 : <gofffan> Hello Larry!
2013-12-07 20:00:03 : <Larry> Hi, everybody!
2013-12-07 20:00:24 : <Hippy> 'Everybody' seems to be gofffan and me at the moment :)
2013-12-07 20:01:17 : <Hippy> I've been re-reading 'Flatlander', Larry, and it's really showing me how to plot a mystery
2013-12-07 20:01:54 : <Larry> I was with the SFWA group that was invited to watch the first Star Trek openers, both of them.
2013-12-07 20:02:22 : <Hippy> What did you think of 'The Motion Picture'?
2013-12-07 20:03:06 : <Larry> "Flatlander" showed how to plot a mystery? I was just hacking around for the first half of that story. For clear plotting, try "The Defenseless Dead".
2013-12-07 20:03:47 : <Hippy> Oh, yes. I meant the anthology :)
2013-12-07 20:04:01 : <Hippy> 'Defenceless Dead' does have a clearer plot
2013-12-07 20:04:07 : <Larry> Star Treck the Motion Picture? I rode it like a roller coaster...a slow one, I guess. I never get critical until the movie is over.
2013-12-07 20:04:31 : <Hippy> Like with 'Close Encounters'
2013-12-07 20:04:50 : <Larry> Oh, the anthology, right.
2013-12-07 20:05:09 : <sean> Greetings all.
2013-12-07 20:05:21 : <gofffan> Hey Sean!
waves to Sean, bathed in the miracle that is a stable connection
2013-12-07 20:06:05 : <sean> Congrats, Hippy. You have been having issues making it here.
2013-12-07 20:06:06 : <Larry> Close Encounters: what I enjoyed was the faithfulness to flying saucer lore. The saucers acted like a loose flock of puppies.
2013-12-07 20:07:07 : <Hippy> Thanks, Sean. Yes, it was something of a surprise to coonect first time, but has lowered the amount of swearing and punching things on this side of the equator
2013-12-07 20:07:16 : <sean> agreed with Close Encounters. Just wish Spielberg had stuck to his guns and not shown the interior of the ship in the special edition.
2013-12-07 20:08:04 : <gofffan> Always liked the mystery of 'what was really inside' much better.
2013-12-07 20:08:30 : <Hippy> Same here
2013-12-07 20:08:34 : <sean> I think the studio pushed him into it.
2013-12-07 20:09:02 : <gofffan> That was my feeling as well.
2013-12-07 20:09:16 : <sean> if you are going to watch Trek:TMP, hold out for the director's cut.
2013-12-07 20:09:41 : <Hippy> I didn't know there was one
2013-12-07 20:10:38 : <fredskuentz> Hey, Goffan, Hippy, Larry
2013-12-07 20:10:39 : <gofffan> Has lots of corrected matte work, CGI Enterprise and a better approach to V-ger.
2013-12-07 20:10:45 : <gofffan> Fred!
2013-12-07 20:11:24 : <Hippy> Hi, Fred!
2013-12-07 20:12:01 : <fredskuentz> sean, I couldn't possibly disagree more re the directors cut
2013-12-07 20:12:05 : <fredskuentz> and I worked on it
2013-12-07 20:12:06 : <fredskuentz> :)
2013-12-07 20:12:14 : <Hippy> What does everyone think of the new ST:TOS DVDs with the CGI ship and proper planets etc?
2013-12-07 20:12:29 : <gofffan> Ugh.
2013-12-07 20:12:32 : <fredskuentz> hippy, I hate them more than life itself
2013-12-07 20:12:53 : <Hippy> Hmm. And I thought my reaction was extreme...
2013-12-07 20:13:07 : <fredskuentz> 34 years ago I was watching the first matinee of TNG with my mom
2013-12-07 20:13:28 : <fredskuentz> she used to go to the first show of Trek movies with me 'cause nobody else could play hooky :D
2013-12-07 20:13:50 : <Hippy> Wow, they did a cinema release of it? We had that for the 1970's 'Battlestar Galactica'
2013-12-07 20:14:04 : <fredskuentz> ack
2013-12-07 20:14:06 : <fredskuentz> TMP
2013-12-07 20:14:11 : <fredskuentz> TMP TMP TMP
2013-12-07 20:14:13 : <fredskuentz> bad fred
2013-12-07 20:14:16 : <fredskuentz> new meds
2013-12-07 20:14:17 : <sean> we knew what you meant, Fred.
2013-12-07 20:14:19 : <fredskuentz> congnition down
AFK briefly to make tea. Stay connected, machine!
2013-12-07 20:16:14 : <fredskuentz> I saw the 70s Battlestar in the theater. The Sensurround was just stuck on.
2013-12-07 20:16:15 : <fredskuentz> went
2013-12-07 20:16:40 : <gofffan> went to
2013-12-07 20:16:44 : <fredskuentz> R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R
2013-12-07 20:16:44 : <fredskuentz> •R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•
2013-12-07 20:16:47 : <fredskuentz> the whole time
2013-12-07 20:16:53 : <fredskuentz> no matter what was on screen
2013-12-07 20:17:01 : <fredskuentz> Maren Jenson walks out
2013-12-07 20:17:03 : <fredskuentz> R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•
2013-12-07 20:17:04 : <fredskuentz> R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•
2013-12-07 20:17:05 : <fredskuentz> R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•R•
2013-12-07 20:17:13 : "SolBelter_Spike" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 20:17:15 : <fredskuentz> well, okay, that was probably appropriate
2013-12-07 20:18:37 : <Larry> I just watched a clip showing M L King persuading Nichelle Nickols to stay on as Uhuru.
2013-12-07 20:18:47 : <fredskuentz> cool
2013-12-07 20:18:56 : <sean> I have seen her tell that story herself.
2013-12-07 20:19:11 : <fredskuentz> If only she hadn't missed THE DOOMSDAY MACHINE
2013-12-07 20:19:19 : <fredskuentz> it might be the perfect Trek episode
2013-12-07 20:19:29 : <sean> no argument there.
2013-12-07 20:20:14 : <Hippy> What was that one about?
2013-12-07 20:20:21 : <sean> planet eater
2013-12-07 20:20:34 : <gofffan> Planet eating cornucopia.
2013-12-07 20:20:39 : <Hippy> Oh, yes. Tha is a good one
2013-12-07 20:20:52 : <Larry> Noirman Spinrad's script?
2013-12-07 20:21:04 : <fredskuentz> yep
2013-12-07 20:21:20 : <fredskuentz> destroyed AMT model kit Constellation
wonders if there's a clip of Nelson Mandela talking to Tim Russ
2013-12-07 20:21:39 : <fredskuentz> William Windom chewing the scenery so badly that Shatner didn't get the chance
2013-12-07 20:21:56 : <gofffan> Always liked Windom
2013-12-07 20:23:29 : <gofffan>
2013-12-07 20:23:36 : <gofffan> AMT kit visible in the link
2013-12-07 20:24:13 : <fredskuentz> YES!
2013-12-07 20:24:17 : <fredskuentz> that's the stuff!
2013-12-07 20:26:43 : <sean> Windom reprises the role in the star trek new voyages episode In Harm's Way.
2013-12-07 20:27:21 : <Hippy> I should really take a look at those
2013-12-07 20:28:11 : <Larry> I like the New Yoyages (both movies.)
2013-12-07 20:28:50 : <fredskuentz> BarBara Luna is in the new ep with Windom too
2013-12-07 20:29:18 : <SolBelter_Spike> I really liked Kirk's rescued transporter pose - hands over head, crouched, about to be devoured. :)
2013-12-07 20:30:01 : <gofffan> like Galaxy Quest
2013-12-07 20:32:13 : <gofffan> Nesmith about to be crushed by the ROCK and Kwan rematerializes him aboard the Protector
2013-12-07 20:32:51 : <Larry> yes, Goffan.
2013-12-07 20:33:17 : <Hippy> These are not the ones I'm thinking of, it seems
2013-12-07 20:35:41 : <sean>
2013-12-07 20:35:53 : <sean> looks like the main site is down at the moment
2013-12-07 20:36:19 : <Hippy> I shall have to look into that
2013-12-07 20:39:37 : <sean> they are fun, hippy.
2013-12-07 20:40:12 : <Hippy> I look forward to them
2013-12-07 20:40:30 : <Hippy> So, Larry, what has been happening with you for the past couple of months?
didn't mean that to sound like an interrogation
2013-12-07 20:43:53 : "Jim" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 20:44:10 : <sean> hey, Jim
2013-12-07 20:44:17 : <Jim> Hi, everybody
2013-12-07 20:44:39 : <gofffan> Hello
2013-12-07 20:45:03 : <Hippy> Hi, Jim
2013-12-07 20:45:24 : <fredskuentz> Hi, Jim
2013-12-07 20:45:48 : <Jim> ST: TMP was rated what rating in the US?
2013-12-07 20:46:04 : <sean> PG i would guess
2013-12-07 20:46:14 : <Jim> not PG
2013-12-07 20:46:17 : <sean> PG-13 didnt come out till Red Dawn
2013-12-07 20:46:32 : <fredskuentz> G
2013-12-07 20:46:38 : <Jim> G
2013-12-07 20:46:54 : <Larry> Past couple of months...Marilyn is getting healthier. SHIPSTAR is going/had gone through its last pass. Likewise RED TIDE, a book from Mike Resnick with two stories of mine in it. We have our Christmas lights up.
2013-12-07 20:46:57 : <fredskuentz> what Jim said
2013-12-07 20:47:08 : <fredskuentz> good news re Marily, Larry
2013-12-07 20:47:14 : <fredskuentz> Marilyn
2013-12-07 20:47:49 : <Jim> Good
2013-12-07 20:48:08 : <Hippy> I'm glad to hear about Marilyn, Larry
2013-12-07 20:48:47 : <gofffan> the best kind of news
2013-12-07 20:49:01 : <Hippy> What about that anthology of teleporatation stories? How's that going?
2013-12-07 20:49:24 : <Larry> Yeah. She still needs a walker, but she can drive.
2013-12-07 20:49:52 : <Jim> My Mom is using a walker now.
2013-12-07 20:50:51 : <Hippy> My mum doesn't need a walker but, unfortunatley for Victoria, can still drive :)
2013-12-07 20:51:02 : <sean> lol
2013-12-07 20:52:09 : <SolBelter_Spike> six years with a walker for me, but only under one terragee :)
2013-12-07 20:52:10 : <Jim> Some have proposed forcing seniors to take the driving test each year.
2013-12-07 20:52:59 : <Hippy> That's been proposed here, too. It's someting of a scapegoat exercise, as seniors don't have that many accidents
2013-12-07 20:53:03 : <sean> don't think that will work. the seniors have a hell of a lobby.
2013-12-07 20:53:52 : <gofffan> they're not the ones texting and driving
2013-12-07 20:54:09 : <Hippy> They rarely get drunk
2013-12-07 20:54:19 : <Hippy> and most senior drivers are men
2013-12-07 20:54:19 : <Jim> The only bad accident with seniors that happened here recently would not have been prevented with a test.
2013-12-07 20:54:47 : <SolBelter_Spike> Jim, my mom and dad had an agreement with each other to, if necessary, cut up drivers license and take away keys ...
2013-12-07 20:55:17 : <gofffan> testing at what age?
2013-12-07 20:55:44 : <Jim> My Mom knows not to drive after dark. She was born in 1937.
2013-12-07 20:55:52 : <Hippy> 70 is the proposed age here (New South Wales)
2013-12-07 20:55:53 : <fredskuentz> taking away Dad's car keys was one of the hardest things I ever did, but fortunately he was on board with it.
2013-12-07 20:56:37 : <Jim> Unfortuntately, we do not live near public transportation.
2013-12-07 20:57:27 : <Larry> RED TIDE is the teleportation stories, Hippy.
2013-12-07 20:57:43 : <Jim> Good.
2013-12-07 20:57:57 : <Hippy> Thanks, Larry. I'm off to pre-order it now
2013-12-07 21:00:32 : <Hippy> Hmm. Popular title, 'Red Tide'.
2013-12-07 21:00:47 : <Larry> I got my renewed license two months ago. Wasn't easy: I needed cataract surgery to pass. Not due again for five years.
2013-12-07 21:00:50 : <Jim> Why did TMP cut the sections out about Deltans sexual allure, but leave the silent sections looking at the ship? (Either that or I start talking about my plantar fascitis.)
2013-12-07 21:00:54 : <Hippy> Including a series about the Chinese invasion of Seattle
2013-12-07 21:01:20 : <sean> new teleport technology or stories based on jump shift/transfer booth?
2013-12-07 21:01:46 : <Hippy> I assume it's set in the Jumpshift universe
2013-12-07 21:02:46 : <Larry> JumpShift universe, yes.
2013-12-07 21:03:09 : <Hippy> How is your eyesight after the surgery, Larry?
2013-12-07 21:04:21 : <Larry> The universe has turned a bit blurry. Point-source lights are beautifully fractal. I may presently need more surgery.
2013-12-07 21:04:25 : <fredskuentz> Jim, orders from the suits at Paramount
2013-12-07 21:04:41 : <Jim> OK
2013-12-07 21:05:01 : <fredskuentz> "we spent a ton of money on these effects, and by God, we want to see every dime on screen"
2013-12-07 21:05:34 : <fredskuentz> and of course then it's too long
2013-12-07 21:05:38 : <fredskuentz> so they cut plot
2013-12-07 21:05:40 : <Hippy> Fractal! I wish I'd thought of that word at the optomettist's on Wednesday
2013-12-07 21:05:48 : <Jim> Yes, TMP is somewhat like 2001 with the long silent shots.
2013-12-07 21:05:52 : <Hippy> Of course, I'd then have had to explain it
2013-12-07 21:05:59 : <fredskuentz> Chromatic Abberation
2013-12-07 21:06:23 : <Larry> if you fast-forwarded parts of ST:TMP, you'd get a better ride.
2013-12-07 21:06:25 : <Hippy> That's just adding fuel tot he fire, Fred
2013-12-07 21:06:38 : <Jim> I thought that chromatic abberation just happened in refracting telescopes.
2013-12-07 21:07:09 : <Hippy> Yes, but if you're wearing refracting lenses on your face, it would do the same thing
2013-12-07 21:07:51 : <Jim> I wear them about 1/2 inch from my eyes.
2013-12-07 21:08:07 : <Hippy> Me, too
2013-12-07 21:08:56 : <Hippy> Did they give you lens implants, Larry?
2013-12-07 21:10:51 : <Larry> Hippy, cataract surgery IS an implanted lens. I should add: I like having distance vision.
2013-12-07 21:11:18 : <Hippy> Ah, I see
2013-12-07 21:13:42 : <sean> Thanks for whoever first mentioned license renewal. got curious and checked mine. need to renew it by years end.
2013-12-07 21:14:36 : <Hippy> Well, we've saved you the ignominy of zooming around Kentucky without the government's permission
2013-12-07 21:14:44 : <Jim> When I turn 50 in Apr 2014.
2013-12-07 21:15:42 : <Hippy> What the ? You're younger than me? Amazing
2013-12-07 21:16:04 : <sean> now just have to figure out where to renew it. new courthouse about to open and temp courthouse about to close. wonder which one to go to. guess i can make a call monday.
2013-12-07 21:17:25 : <gofffan> Shatner was 48 when he made ST:TMP
2013-12-07 21:17:52 : <Jim> Who wins the prize for being the youngest here?
2013-12-07 21:18:08 : <Hippy> I would guess Sean
2013-12-07 21:18:17 : <gofffan> Me too
2013-12-07 21:18:19 : <sean> i just turned 45
2013-12-07 21:18:30 : <Larry> GRAVITY was a helluva ride. I liked it. Probably won't generate sequels.
2013-12-07 21:18:49 : <Larry> My age: 75
2013-12-07 21:18:50 : <sean> I have not seen gravity but am looking forward to it.
2013-12-07 21:18:59 : <Jim> Me too.
2013-12-07 21:19:14 : <gofffan> I also
2013-12-07 21:19:26 : <SolBelter_Spike> 66 yrs
2013-12-07 21:19:28 : <Hippy> So am I if Larry is recommending it. I was sceptical at first, but now I think I'll take the plunge
2013-12-07 21:19:33 : <fredskuentz> Jim, no, you can get chromatic aberration and/or spherical aberration from laser eye surgery
2013-12-07 21:19:34 : <sean> especially now with Larry's approval.
2013-12-07 21:19:47 : <fredskuentz> It's more prevalent in blue-eyed blondes
2013-12-07 21:19:56 : <fredskuentz> which is why I've never had laser eye surgery
2013-12-07 21:19:57 : <fredskuentz> :)
2013-12-07 21:20:48 : <Jim> Good thing that my beard is nearly black (some gray).
2013-12-07 21:21:07 : <Hippy> Actually, Nick Edwards if he were here would be the youngest, I think
2013-12-07 21:21:11 : <fredskuentz> "Shatner was 48 when he made ST:TMP" - and Kirk was turning 50 in ST:WoK and his life was over
2013-12-07 21:21:19 : <fredskuentz> 'cause he was so freaking old
2013-12-07 21:21:23 : <sean> I think nick is older than me.
2013-12-07 21:21:39 : <Hippy> Oh
2013-12-07 21:21:59 : <Jim> Yes, Fred. Now Shatner is in his 80's and getting offers for work everywhere.
2013-12-07 21:22:21 : <gofffan> He is a juggernaut, for sure
2013-12-07 21:22:23 : <Larry> Shatner was wonderful in Boston Legal!
2013-12-07 21:22:24 : <fredskuentz> Seems sort of short sighted that 50 would be the end in a society where you live another 100 years
2013-12-07 21:22:28 : <fredskuentz> Larry, yes
2013-12-07 21:22:32 : <fredskuentz> just a joy
2013-12-07 21:22:35 : <fredskuentz> he and spader
2013-12-07 21:22:45 : <sean> Mark and I are the same age.
2013-12-07 21:22:52 : <Jim> SolBelter_Spike, do you have a Mohawk or a Spikey hairdo?
2013-12-07 21:22:58 : <Hippy> INteresting, that. If Kirk is past it at 50 and the average age of death is 125 (Roddenberry's figure) what does Kirk do for 75 years?
2013-12-07 21:22:59 : <fredskuentz> but Mark is in England
2013-12-07 21:23:04 : <fredskuentz> so he SEEMS much older
2013-12-07 21:23:18 : <Larry> Bette Davis was wonderful in several movies as an older woman.
2013-12-07 21:23:35 : <Jim> Yes
2013-12-07 21:23:43 : <fredskuentz> I don't think I've ever thought of Bette as anything but an older woman, in any project
2013-12-07 21:23:57 : <fredskuentz> I was so used to her being older when I saw her stuff
2013-12-07 21:24:41 : <Jim> Bette Davis lived long enough to say that Reagan was a bad actor and a worse president, while still a working actor.
2013-12-07 21:24:45 : <fredskuentz> and of course Orson Welles doesn't seem like a young guy in old make up in Citizen Kane; he's clearly an old guy in young make up :D
2013-12-07 21:25:05 : <Jim> Rosebud
2013-12-07 21:25:09 : <Hippy> LOL, Fred
2013-12-07 21:25:12 : <gofffan> Brilliant
2013-12-07 21:25:38 : <gofffan> that's Welles ... and you too, Fred
2013-12-07 21:25:52 : <fredskuentz> My first animation as my own company was for Welles' daughter
2013-12-07 21:25:58 : <fredskuentz> he did the voice
2013-12-07 21:26:11 : <fredskuentz> there was just nowhere to go but downhill from there :)
2013-12-07 21:26:53 : <gofffan> Welles was 25ish when shooting Kane
2013-12-07 21:27:13 : <fredskuentz> Nobody told me who Bea Welle's father *was*
2013-12-07 21:27:26 : <fredskuentz> she's all "oh, don't worry about the soundtrack, my dad will do it"
2013-12-07 21:27:33 : <SolBelter_Spike> Fred, what a start to your portfolio/credits!
2013-12-07 21:27:34 : <gofffan> cool
2013-12-07 21:27:41 : <Jim> Yes
2013-12-07 21:27:48 : <fredskuentz> and I'm like "great, my first job, and I'm screwed by some client's no talent father"
2013-12-07 21:27:59 : <sean> heh
2013-12-07 21:28:01 : <Hippy> LOL!
2013-12-07 21:28:19 : <fredskuentz> by the way, she was like 6' tall and beautful
2013-12-07 21:28:30 : <fredskuentz> it was all very surreal
2013-12-07 21:28:57 : <Larry> :)
2013-12-07 21:29:03 : <Hippy> Now there's a word I haven't heard in a while
2013-12-07 21:29:23 : <fredskuentz> beautiful?
2013-12-07 21:30:00 : <fredskuentz> Larry, forgive the obligatory question, but, any news on the Syfy RINGWORLD project?
2013-12-07 21:30:12 : <fredskuentz> It seems to have cloaked the way the first one did
2013-12-07 21:30:22 : <sean> i did not want to ask. ;)
2013-12-07 21:30:28 : <fredskuentz> yes
2013-12-07 21:30:36 : <fredskuentz> I held my tongue as long as I could
2013-12-07 21:30:52 : <Larry> No news re the Syfy Ringworld. I should jog my agent's elbow...but just waiting could drive me crazy.
2013-12-07 21:31:16 : <fredskuentz>
2013-12-07 21:31:33 : <fredskuentz> Bea Wells
2013-12-07 21:32:09 : "Hippy" left the channel.
2013-12-07 21:32:17 : <fredskuentz> ack
2013-12-07 21:32:21 : <fredskuentz> I smote Hippy
2013-12-07 21:32:24 : <fredskuentz> bad fred
2013-12-07 21:32:30 : <gofffan> not me this time!
2013-12-07 21:32:40 : <Jim> Thanks, Fred.
2013-12-07 21:32:45 : <fredskuentz> In my client, the image just appears inline in chat
2013-12-07 21:32:47 : <sean> hope he makes it back. he has been having to deal with issues connecting
2013-12-07 21:32:50 : <fredskuentz> you don't HAVE to click
2013-12-07 21:32:52 : <fredskuentz> :(
2013-12-07 21:33:38 : <Jim> I use Eris and it gives me the URL to click and open another tab with the URL.
2013-12-07 21:33:43 : <Larry> I'm going for lunch.
2013-12-07 21:33:44 : <fredskuentz> Thanks for the report on Ringworld Larry. Hope you don't mind us asking. It's because we love you both!
2013-12-07 21:33:49 : <SolBelter_Spike> get hollywood interested gradually, start with prequel RingFinger, about a ring-armed ARM agent first
2013-12-07 21:33:54 : <Larry> I know.
2013-12-07 21:33:57 : <Jim> Thanks, see you next year.
2013-12-07 21:34:09 : <fredskuentz> Eat one for me!
2013-12-07 21:34:13 : <sean> thanks for stopping by, Larry.
2013-12-07 21:34:18 : <fredskuentz> Merry Xmas
2013-12-07 21:34:22 : <fredskuentz> Happy New Year
2013-12-07 21:34:23 : <Larry> And you all know I'd report re Ringworld if I had something to say.
2013-12-07 21:34:29 : <fredskuentz> Enjoy my birthday
2013-12-07 21:34:35 : <gofffan> Bye for now
2013-12-07 21:34:44 : <SolBelter_Spike> seeya
2013-12-07 21:34:57 : <Larry> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all
2013-12-07 21:35:03 : <Jim> Yes
2013-12-07 21:35:18 : "Larry" left the channel.
2013-12-07 21:35:49 : <gofffan> I bet the reason it's taking so long for SyFy to make Ringworld is actually building it.
2013-12-07 21:36:04 : <fredskuentz> they'd still screw it up :D
2013-12-07 21:36:37 : <fredskuentz> So, how about that Persis Khambatta?
2013-12-07 21:36:42 : <fredskuentz> rowr!
2013-12-07 21:36:45 : <Jim> Dead
2013-12-07 21:36:50 : <fredskuentz> well, yeah
2013-12-07 21:36:51 : <fredskuentz> :(
2013-12-07 21:37:04 : <fredskuentz> should I tell my 'artificial nipples' story about her again?
2013-12-07 21:37:12 : <sean> skyped hippy to see what was up. waiting for reply.
2013-12-07 21:37:13 : <Jim> nope
2013-12-07 21:37:17 : <fredskuentz> heh
2013-12-07 21:37:34 : <fredskuentz> my new TV has a pop up camera for skype
2013-12-07 21:37:38 : <fredskuentz> I have never invoked it
2013-12-07 21:38:20 : "SolBelter_Spike" left the channel.
2013-12-07 21:38:24 : <Jim> It must be designed to pop up during embarassing moments while watching Cinemax late at night.
2013-12-07 21:38:33 : <sean> heh
2013-12-07 21:38:51 : <Jim> or was that Sinemax
2013-12-07 21:40:44 : <gofffan> I read <Jim> Dead and thought, she's dead, Jim.
2013-12-07 21:41:13 : "Hippy" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 21:41:18 : <gofffan> Yay
2013-12-07 21:41:25 : <Jim> He is back!!!
2013-12-07 21:41:41 : "Dan" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 21:41:55 : <Dan> Anyone still here?
2013-12-07 21:41:56 : <Hippy> Hi Dan
2013-12-07 21:42:02 : <Jim> I recently watched the first half of Goldfinger.
2013-12-07 21:42:05 : <Dan> Hiya, Darren!
2013-12-07 21:42:08 : <Hippy> Oh, it wasn't just me, then?
2013-12-07 21:42:16 : <sean> power failure
2013-12-07 21:42:33 : <gofffan> Jim, what did you think?
2013-12-07 21:42:40 : <sean> no, power failure just now
2013-12-07 21:42:48 : <sean> UPS powering the server
2013-12-07 21:42:55 : <Jim> No, I do not like the second half of Goldfinger.
2013-12-07 21:43:26 : <Dan> I just got back from an unsuccessful trip to gt my lawn mower out of the shop. They were closed when I got there.
2013-12-07 21:43:57 : <Jim> The whole plot of Goldfinger revolves around the Bretton Woods agreement.
2013-12-07 21:44:05 : <fredskuentz> You don't like the flying lesbians?
2013-12-07 21:44:26 : <Jim> I know you are, but what is your name?
2013-12-07 21:44:50 : <Hippy> Oh. And I thought it was at my end :)
2013-12-07 21:44:50 : <Hippy> Who doesn't like flying Lesbians?
2013-12-07 21:45:14 : <gofffan>
2013-12-07 21:45:21 : <gofffan> I didn't know this
2013-12-07 21:46:31 : <sean> just got all your skype messages, hippy. definately something between you and me.
2013-12-07 21:46:40 : <Hippy> Beatrice Welles is certainly pretty, Fred
2013-12-07 21:46:41 : <gofffan> But the gold standard and radioactivity at Fort Knox (at the time) I thought, was a good plot.
2013-12-07 21:47:17 : <fredskuentz> Now, Hippy, imagine her 30 years younger, taller than you, Orson Welles' daughter, and giving you money
2013-12-07 21:47:34 : <gofffan> Ka-ching!
2013-12-07 21:47:47 : <fredskuentz> well said
2013-12-07 21:47:48 : <Hippy> Yes, but what difference would radioactive gold make now? It would still have the same currency value, just not very useful as jewellery
2013-12-07 21:47:57 : <fredskuentz> btw gofffan glad you could make it today
2013-12-07 21:48:06 : <gofffan> tnks
2013-12-07 21:48:14 : <fredskuentz> Hippy, that's a fair point
2013-12-07 21:48:33 : <fredskuentz> of course there are a lot of 'what the TANJ' moments in Goldfinger
2013-12-07 21:48:39 : <Jim>
2013-12-07 21:48:40 : <Hippy> Now, buy some gold futures in India where they use it in jewellery and you would clean up
2013-12-07 21:48:48 : <Hippy> Can you even make gold radioactive?
2013-12-07 21:48:57 : <fredskuentz> like, how do they crush a car with a trunk full of gold, which is pretty damn near incompressible
2013-12-07 21:48:58 : <fredskuentz> and why?
2013-12-07 21:49:05 : <fredskuentz> why not just shoot the guy?
2013-12-07 21:49:07 : <Jim> nope
2013-12-07 21:49:26 : <fredskuentz> what's the point of the whole mock up and dog and pony show for the mobsters, when you're going to kill them anyway?
2013-12-07 21:49:47 : <Jim> agreed
2013-12-07 21:49:51 : <gofffan> Goldfinger was mad
2013-12-07 21:49:57 : <gofffan> sowed his ego
2013-12-07 21:50:03 : <fredskuentz> Why not just shoot Goldfinger and his guys dead at the gate to Fort Knox?
2013-12-07 21:50:04 : <gofffan> showed
2013-12-07 21:50:17 : <gofffan> They wanted the bomb
2013-12-07 21:50:28 : <fredskuentz> they almost got it
2013-12-07 21:50:28 : <fredskuentz> :)
2013-12-07 21:50:31 : <gofffan> didn't arrive until they blew the gate
2013-12-07 21:50:41 : <gofffan> lol
2013-12-07 21:50:51 : <fredskuentz> there was still no reason to let him anywhere near the repository
2013-12-07 21:51:17 : <fredskuentz> and - we know he's an arch villain, worthy of being executed by MI6 because ...
2013-12-07 21:51:22 : <fredskuentz> HE CHEATS AT GIN????
2013-12-07 21:51:23 : <gofffan> They needed to locate the nuclear device before they closed down the operation
2013-12-07 21:51:32 : <Hippy> Oh, I missed Larry's going. I was going to wish him a Merry Christmas
2013-12-07 21:51:40 : <fredskuentz> I did it for you Hippy
2013-12-07 21:51:42 : <Jim> Nowadays, the real problem with regards to gold is the fact that the density of Tungsten is the same.
2013-12-07 21:52:33 : <gofffan> I think it also has to do with the color. But I'll buy the density thing.
2013-12-07 21:52:50 : "ronn" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 21:53:00 : <Hippy> Thanks, Fred
2013-12-07 21:53:07 : <Jim> On Mythbusters, they tried to put one of the fellows in a air-tight suit and his heart started racing.
2013-12-07 21:53:13 : <Hippy> Hi, Ronn
2013-12-07 21:53:30 : <Hippy> Oh
2013-12-07 21:53:38 : <Jim> Ronn!, you just missed Larry!
2013-12-07 21:54:07 : <gofffan> He arrived early today
2013-12-07 21:55:03 : <ronn> Hi, all!
2013-12-07 21:55:04 : <ronn> Didn't the 34th anniversary of STTSMP occursometime during the flyaround of V'jer?
2013-12-07 21:55:30 : <fredskuentz> Larry: I'm going for lunch.
2013-12-07 21:55:30 : <fredskuentz> fredskuentz: Thanks for the report on Ringworld Larry. Hope you don't mind us asking. It's because we love you both!
2013-12-07 21:55:30 : <fredskuentz> Larry: I know.
2013-12-07 21:55:31 : <fredskuentz> fredskuentz: Merry Xmas
2013-12-07 21:55:32 : <fredskuentz> fredskuentz: Happy New Year
2013-12-07 21:55:34 : <fredskuentz> Larry: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all
2013-12-07 21:55:36 : <fredskuentz> 14:35 Larry has left IRC (Client exited)
2013-12-07 21:55:50 : <fredskuentz> Hey Ronn
2013-12-07 21:56:04 : <fredskuentz> We haven't launched V'Ger 6 yet
2013-12-07 21:56:04 : <fredskuentz> :D
2013-12-07 21:56:14 : <sean> heh
2013-12-07 21:57:17 : <ronn> Oh, well. :( Other distractions. One on CBS right now . . .
2013-12-07 21:57:44 : <Hippy> That warms my heart, Fred. Thanks
2013-12-07 21:58:20 : <Jim> What is on CBS now?
2013-12-07 21:58:24 : <sean> ronn, the SEC game? whats happening? no power.
2013-12-07 21:59:02 : <ronn> Just about end of 1Q. Auburn leading 14-10
2013-12-07 21:59:07 : <fredskuentz> happy to warm you Hippy
2013-12-07 21:59:38 : <Jim> The important thing is that the SEC will not be in the BCS championship game.
2013-12-07 22:00:06 : <sean> yeah, i doubt florida state or ohio state will lose today.
2013-12-07 22:02:41 : <Jim> ST: ENT mentioned that American Football was still being played in the 22rd century.
2013-12-07 22:03:22 : <gofffan> Probably touch football.
2013-12-07 22:03:25 : "Hippy" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:03:47 : <fredskuentz> DS9 had them playing baseball in the 24th
2013-12-07 22:04:17 : <gofffan> I never kept up on most of the ST iterations.
2013-12-07 22:04:39 : <Jim> No, a Vulcan claimed that the goal was to kill the Quarterback.
2013-12-07 22:04:42 : <sean> against vulcans if i remember the little DS9 that i watched.
2013-12-07 22:05:15 : <fredskuentz> Sisko had an autographed baseball on his desk. I forget who signed it though.
2013-12-07 22:05:40 : <Dan> Buck Bokai (sp?)
2013-12-07 22:06:25 : <fredskuentz> Benjamin Sisko received a baseball from an alien impersonating legendary baseball player Buck Bokai.
2013-12-07 22:06:28 : <fredskuentz> yeah
2013-12-07 22:06:31 : <fredskuentz> well done dan!
2013-12-07 22:06:57 : <fredskuentz> Mine is signed by Mickey Mantle
2013-12-07 22:08:31 : <Dan> I have a talent for useless trivia.
2013-12-07 22:09:29 : <ronn> Isn't that a required talent for a SF fan?
2013-12-07 22:11:38 : "Lensman_free" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:06 : "gofffan" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:16 : "HAL9000" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:26 : "andy" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:35 : "Akiraa" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:35 : "Jim" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:44 : "CrazyEddy" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:44 : "fredskuentz" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:44 : "ronn" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:54 : "johnmanyjars" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:54 : "xihr" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:12:54 : "Dan" left the channel.
2013-12-07 22:58:40 : "knownspaceARM" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 22:59:02 : "Outsider" joined the channel.
2013-12-07 23:00:10 : "sean" joined the channel.