Saturday, 2 November, 2013 - 12:00am
2013-11-02 00:07:25 : <sean> good question but i believe hobo kelly had light sunscreens on or in the hull.
2013-11-02 01:22:26 : "CrazyEddy" left the channel.
2013-11-02 03:29:00 : <fredskuentz> you'd need that regardless of the degree of refraction and/or reflection inherent in the raw hull
2013-11-02 03:29:29 : <fredskuentz> but it goes towards 'what the heck does this stuff look like?'
2013-11-02 03:29:34 : <fredskuentz> glass or invisible?
2013-11-02 03:38:56 : "CrazyEddy" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 03:39:00 : <HAL9000> Greetings CrazyEddy, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 06:48:33 : "Akiraa" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 06:48:37 : <HAL9000> Greetings Akiraa, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 10:54:43 : "johnmanyjars" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 10:54:45 : <HAL9000> Greetings johnmanyjars, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 13:31:41 : "Akiraa" left the channel.
2013-11-02 14:10:26 : "Akiraa" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 15:40:03 : "JB-Crabshy" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 15:40:07 : <HAL9000> Greetings JB-Crabshy, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 15:40:39 : <JB-Crabshy> Hello everyone. Is the monthly chat today?
2013-11-02 15:41:38 : <JB-Crabshy> I have always wanted to participate but always end up missing it.
2013-11-02 16:08:24 : <andy> JB-Crabshy: Yes, it is! A few more hours before it really gets into full swing, though.
2013-11-02 16:19:09 : "Solbelter" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 16:19:12 : <HAL9000> Greetings Solbelter, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 16:20:19 : "Solbelter" left the channel.
2013-11-02 16:21:33 : "SolBelter_Spike" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 16:21:38 : <HAL9000> Greetings SolBelter_Spike, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 16:26:47 : <SolBelter_Spike> Interesting topic! Hmmm...we can see GP hulls, so they reflect, and see through one, too ...
2013-11-02 16:32:11 : <SolBelter_Spike> ...which implies refracting index of not-zerom even if a minute amount.
2013-11-02 16:46:29 : <SolBelter_Spike> i see 12 entities logged but no chat except my two lines. Is it quiet now or a malf in my browser?
2013-11-02 16:49:38 : "SolBelter_Spike" left the channel.
2013-11-02 17:30:25 : "Jim" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 17:30:29 : <HAL9000> Greetings Jim, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 17:38:19 : <Jim> fred
2013-11-02 17:44:06 : "seanflash" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 17:44:10 : <HAL9000> Greetings seanflash, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 17:47:31 : "seanflash" left the channel.
2013-11-02 18:46:35 : "Gofffan" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 18:46:37 : <HAL9000> Greetings Gofffan, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 18:48:52 : "NickE" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 18:48:52 : <HAL9000> Greetings NickE, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 18:57:07 : <Jim> hi
2013-11-02 18:57:27 : <sean> hey
2013-11-02 18:57:43 : <Gofffan> hi Jim, Sean
2013-11-02 18:59:24 : "sean767" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 18:59:28 : <HAL9000> Greetings sean767, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 18:59:43 : "sean767" left the channel.
2013-11-02 18:59:58 : <sean> helping hippy get on through Mark's bbs
2013-11-02 19:00:30 : "dmac44" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 19:00:35 : <HAL9000> Greetings dmac44, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 19:00:39 : <dmac44> Hi guys.
2013-11-02 19:00:47 : <Gofffan> Hey dmac
2013-11-02 19:01:02 : <NickE> evening
2013-11-02 19:01:04 : "Hippy" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 19:01:07 : <HAL9000> Greetings Hippy, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 19:01:19 : <dmac44> Hi Hippy!
2013-11-02 19:01:36 : <sean> success i see
2013-11-02 19:01:39 : <Hippy> Hi, dmac from the lagte 1980's :)
2013-11-02 19:01:56 : <Hippy> Well, I'm here, bt for how long?
2013-11-02 19:02:18 : <Gofffan> A universal question
2013-11-02 19:02:27 : <Hippy> Still, thanks to Mark for maintiaing this bbs
2013-11-02 19:02:33 : <dmac44> sounds like a transcendential question
2013-11-02 19:02:42 : <sean> as long as you say something every 10 minutes or so, it should not time you out i would think.
2013-11-02 19:03:37 : <Hippy> Yes but there arw so amhy weird conection prblems that that may not even work. This is so weird. I can type faster than the screen can show me my words.
2013-11-02 19:04:05 : <dmac44> time travel Hippy, you've invented time travel!
2013-11-02 19:04:17 : <Hippy> Well, with such a talented group of people here maybe they can solve the IRC problems
2013-11-02 19:04:30 : <sean> its not a problem on my end.
2013-11-02 19:04:40 : <fredskuentz> greets sentients and legal entities
2013-11-02 19:04:50 : <sean> hey fred
2013-11-02 19:04:53 : <Gofffan> Fred!
2013-11-02 19:04:55 : <dmac44> hi fred
2013-11-02 19:04:58 : <Hippy> Hello from 1987, Fred
2013-11-02 19:05:39 : "SolBelter_Spike" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 19:05:49 : <sean> if anyone else wants to play with the bbs, point a telnet client to
2013-11-02 19:05:50 : <Hippy> I thought the problem was the firewall on my end, but it's turned off, so that isn't it. I don't know what it could be.
2013-11-02 19:06:35 : <Hippy> Yes, it's lonely over here. A big echoeyplace with only my own typing to keep me compan :)
2013-11-02 19:07:02 : <Hippy> Ooh, Solbelter_Spike appears to be here, too
2013-11-02 19:07:24 : "sean986" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 19:07:25 : <SolBelter_Spike> i just arrived, hi
2013-11-02 19:07:26 : <HAL9000> Greetings sean986, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 19:07:31 : <sean986> i am still on the bbs
2013-11-02 19:07:36 : "sean986" left the channel.
2013-11-02 19:08:06 : <sean> and just to let you know... the bbs cant keep up with my typing either so that is not on your end.
2013-11-02 19:08:26 : <Hippy> Oh, right. Hi there. Does it seem slow to you? I suppose it's only going at 1200 baud or something
2013-11-02 19:08:45 : <sean> i am not sure what rate mark has it set to.
2013-11-02 19:09:10 : <sean> you do have to slow it down or the ansi effects will never be seen
2013-11-02 19:09:22 : <Hippy> It feels 1200-ish (from my memory of oldTelent)
2013-11-02 19:09:40 : <Hippy> Ah
2013-11-02 19:10:05 : <sean> there is a web interface as well but i do not remember the address.
2013-11-02 19:11:28 : <fredskuentz> Jim, Sean, Goff
2013-11-02 19:11:29 : <sean> ok, enough bbs talk. how about Fred's topic
2013-11-02 19:11:47 : <fredskuentz> dmac, hippy
2013-11-02 19:11:51 : <Hippy> Which is?
2013-11-02 19:12:04 : <fredskuentz> November 2013 Chat Topic: Do General Product hulls have reflective and/or refractive properties?
2013-11-02 19:12:20 : <Gofffan> well, GP hulls can't be totally reflective. Must be a combination.
2013-11-02 19:12:23 : <SolBelter_Spike> If not reflective, we couldnt see unpainted GP hulls. :)
2013-11-02 19:12:48 : <fredskuentz> I mean the untreated hulls
2013-11-02 19:12:49 : <NickE> i they pass visible light, then yes
2013-11-02 19:12:56 : <fredskuentz> no paint or flare shielding
2013-11-02 19:13:04 : <Hippy> They would have to refract a bit, because they are transparent and shapped
2013-11-02 19:13:06 : <fredskuentz> do they look like glass? or are they outright invisible?
2013-11-02 19:13:15 : <NickE> What teh exact properties are is up for debate
2013-11-02 19:13:49 : <dmac44> as I recall on their way to the RW they turned off the cabin lights and seemed to float in space.
2013-11-02 19:13:51 : <NickE> exactly (clear and shaped)
2013-11-02 19:14:01 : <Jim> I can't stay for the chat, but I will leave my computer logged on to the chat.
2013-11-02 19:14:32 : <Hippy> that's sad to hear, Jim
2013-11-02 19:14:40 : <fredskuentz> later Jim
2013-11-02 19:14:44 : <Hippy> I mean, the first part
2013-11-02 19:14:50 : <NickE> very clear, no doubt. optically flat when looked through from a normal viewpoint probably
2013-11-02 19:15:20 : <Hippy> GP hulls presumably reflect eerthign they don't pss through, such as UV, gamma raysetc
2013-11-02 19:15:33 : <fredskuentz> yeah, but none of that's visible
2013-11-02 19:15:48 : <Gofffan> so the innards of the ship are visible and that's all
2013-11-02 19:15:52 : <Hippy> What do they look like to a kdatlyno?
2013-11-02 19:15:57 : <NickE> probably reflective when untreated, but internal reflectiosn would be a problem, so treated with non reflectice coat inside at least
2013-11-02 19:16:38 : <Hippy> It will [pass laser light as in RE
2013-11-02 19:16:43 : <NickE> yep
2013-11-02 19:17:08 : <Hippy> Adn the HIndmost's cabin was probably coated in relfetive material
2013-11-02 19:17:23 : <fredskuentz> yes, it had flare shielding
2013-11-02 19:17:39 : <fredskuentz> but interior walls, flare shielding, etc., are options
2013-11-02 19:17:55 : <Hippy> Thsi sugests to me that they hae to be yreated to reflect visible light, which would make snse if they are being sold to people with different criteria for visible light. The Pierin can see infra-red
2013-11-02 19:18:27 : <fredskuentz> yes, Louis wondered what criteria was used for 'visible'
2013-11-02 19:18:45 : <NickE> of course, there are varients that pass IR or example, so fundamental light passing properties can be altered at construction
2013-11-02 19:18:59 : <NickE> what hippy said :-)
2013-11-02 19:19:04 : <Hippy> GP hulls are pretty dnese, so they would ahve high refractive index, like diamond is better or higher than glass
2013-11-02 19:19:44 : <fredskuentz> Do we know their density?
2013-11-02 19:19:53 : <fredskuentz> tough ≠dense
2013-11-02 19:20:01 : <NickE> don't recall it mentioned
2013-11-02 19:20:09 : <NickE> yes, thats sensible
2013-11-02 19:20:23 : <Hippy> No, I cn't remember anywhere where it rers to their density. So actually that's just an assuption on my part
2013-11-02 19:20:27 : <fredskuentz> tissue paper sprayed with a reflective coating in a stasis field is tough but not dense :)
2013-11-02 19:20:58 : <Hippy> In a stais field you wouldn't need thcoating
2013-11-02 19:21:08 : <Hippy> I'm so sorry about this typing
2013-11-02 19:21:16 : <fredskuentz> Kdatlyno are an interesting question. I'd assume the hulls would be opaque to them.
2013-11-02 19:21:21 : <dmac44> I had maintained that the generator that strenghtened the GP hull bonds shortened the distance between atoms and increased the density of the material. Ed didn't agree.
2013-11-02 19:22:04 : <Hippy> It's a good way to imagine them, though, dmav
2013-11-02 19:22:13 : <NickE> and of course it could be possible to make a hull of a stasis field without needing a GP hull. Not see through of course :-)
2013-11-02 19:22:39 : <dmac44> There are see-thru stasis fields in the MK universe
2013-11-02 19:22:48 : <Hippy> Not anything through, except gravity
2013-11-02 19:23:11 : <Hippy> Whag? Blasphemy!
2013-11-02 19:23:37 : <Hippy> Is that in a Benford story?
2013-11-02 19:23:51 : <fredskuentz> a see through stasis field seems ... problematic.
2013-11-02 19:24:03 : <fredskuentz> so I'm sitting there for a billion years thinking I'm safe
2013-11-02 19:24:06 : <Hippy> and blashpemous
2013-11-02 19:24:09 : <dmac44> The fusion shield has a mathamatical relationship to stasis fields and fusion shields can be made to let visible light through
2013-11-02 19:24:14 : <fredskuentz> and little kids are firing x-ray lasers at me
2013-11-02 19:24:18 : <fredskuentz> do I wake up dead?
2013-11-02 19:24:34 : <dmac44> I didn't say it made sense to me
2013-11-02 19:24:46 : <NickE> brb
2013-11-02 19:25:31 : <Hippy> Nor to mee
2013-11-02 19:27:10 : <Hippy> As to opacity for the kdatlyno, GP hyulls can vibrate on impact, as 'ringing like a gong' in Neutreon Sgaet
2013-11-02 19:27:25 : <Hippy> 'Neturon Star'
2013-11-02 19:27:42 : <dmac44> Hippy, don't remember who wrote the story
2013-11-02 19:27:51 : <Hippy> So they might produce intereeting echoes for the kdatlyno
2013-11-02 19:28:13 : <dmac44> Be like a cave.
2013-11-02 19:28:35 : <Hippy> I don't remembe transparent stsis fieldds or the mathematical relationship,, so It's probably from a later MK story.
2013-11-02 19:28:58 : <dmac44> Math relationship is in WOP
2013-11-02 19:29:09 : <dmac44> World of Ptavvs
2013-11-02 19:29:13 : <Hippy> Ah
2013-11-02 19:30:09 : <Hippy> Okay, I suspect that command didn't work...
2013-11-02 19:31:50 : <dmac44> Hippy, MK I, Cathouse by Ing I think
2013-11-02 19:32:26 : <Hippy> Oh. Well, there you go, I should remember that. Those were good stories
2013-11-02 19:32:41 : <fredskuentz> I'm not sure if we're supposed to take the Kdatlyno radar vision literally, or if it's just a term for non standard vision, like DareDevil's
2013-11-02 19:33:09 : <dmac44> I thought Kdatlynos see in sound?
2013-11-02 19:33:26 : <Hippy> No, i's a gkind of sonar. They send out a sound that is reflected back to them.
2013-11-02 19:33:38 : <dmac44> Isn't that sound?
2013-11-02 19:34:12 : <Hippy> However, FTL space must have some effect on them because there's a touvh sculpture of that name in the Institute of Knowledge
2013-11-02 19:34:50 : <Hippy> Yeah, sound. Like a continuous bateak
2013-11-02 19:35:30 : <Hippy> Er...let's just call it a 'bateakus'for the hell of it. Use your typos, as larry says
2013-11-02 19:35:41 : <dmac44> lol
2013-11-02 19:36:02 : <fredskuentz> Their sonar vision must penetrate *some* variety of hull if the can see FTL space
2013-11-02 19:36:03 : <Hippy> 'Bat squeak'is what I was typing
2013-11-02 19:36:38 : <Hippy> Possibly. Or it is their equivalent of the 'blind spot'
2013-11-02 19:36:50 : <dmac44> I like the first way.
2013-11-02 19:36:58 : <Hippy> We shall have to run our tongues over the picgtureto find out
2013-11-02 19:37:18 : <dmac44> fine if you're the fisrt person to do that
2013-11-02 19:37:37 : <Hippy> I thought we could draw lots...
2013-11-02 19:37:38 : <sean> i am sure there are some sanitary wipes there.
2013-11-02 19:38:20 : <sean> tho all the stores here place them on the other side of the carts so you grab a cart then grab a wipe. makes no sense to me.
2013-11-02 19:38:46 : <fredskuentz> yes
2013-11-02 19:38:56 : <sean> so its not just here?
2013-11-02 19:38:57 : <fredskuentz> and the wipe dispenser is empty 99% of the time
2013-11-02 19:39:08 : <Hippy> Yeah...I just rememberedat
2013-11-02 19:39:23 : <fredskuentz> no, the carts live outside, and the empty wipe dispenser lives inside
2013-11-02 19:39:50 : <fredskuentz> you could go into the store, grab a wipe, and take it out to the carts but ... at that point you're turning into Sheldon Cooper
2013-11-02 19:39:54 : <Hippy> I don't think tyey have the wipeshere yet. I suppose yhey presue basic cleanliness on their customers
2013-11-02 19:40:48 : <Hippy> Yes, but he hasn' contracted 'shopping cart rabies'
2013-11-02 19:41:09 : <fredskuentz> I was looking for images of Kdatlyno and found this
2013-11-02 19:41:18 : <fredskuentz>
2013-11-02 19:41:19 : <Hippy> Where do you think all the Walking Dead come from?
2013-11-02 19:41:28 : <fredskuentz> which purports to be Prill
2013-11-02 19:41:41 : "Gofffan" left the channel.
2013-11-02 19:41:41 : <fredskuentz> Not to be speciest, but I don't care HOW good in bed she's supposed to be
2013-11-02 19:41:46 : <fredskuentz> there's just no way
2013-11-02 19:41:47 : <fredskuentz> ack
2013-11-02 19:41:48 : "Gofffan" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 19:41:54 : <fredskuentz> I killed Gofffan
2013-11-02 19:41:59 : <Gofffan> yep
2013-11-02 19:41:59 : <fredskuentz> my friend Gofffan
2013-11-02 19:42:05 : <Gofffan> yep yep
2013-11-02 19:42:06 : <fredskuentz> it was my fault he was here
2013-11-02 19:42:12 : <fredskuentz> and mine he died
2013-11-02 19:42:24 : <fredskuentz> ignobly
2013-11-02 19:42:37 : <Gofffan> hey!
2013-11-02 19:42:46 : <Hippy> Ah, gllant and congtrite. Go, Fred
2013-11-02 19:42:51 : <fredskuentz> alas, poor Gofffan
2013-11-02 19:42:57 : <fredskuentz> I knew him, Horatio Caine
2013-11-02 19:43:24 : <Gofffan> it was the shopping cart rabies
2013-11-02 19:43:50 : <fredskuentz> The Walking Fred
2013-11-02 19:45:55 : <sean> the funny thing is, people seem to just accept cart first then the wipe. and they vigorously wipe the cart handle down and ignore the hand that originally grabbed the cart. they are already screwed at that point.
2013-11-02 19:46:33 : <Gofffan> survival of the cleanest
2013-11-02 19:46:36 : <fredskuentz> in the summer here
2013-11-02 19:46:51 : <fredskuentz> the cart handles are as wet as if they'd been hosed down with zombie saliva
2013-11-02 19:46:53 : <Hippy> Yes, but theuy're courteous to the next user. If they wipe down as they leave the store
2013-11-02 19:47:15 : <fredskuentz> Hmm. Hippy, you take the cart to your car.
2013-11-02 19:47:21 : <fredskuentz> And leave it in the parking lot.
2013-11-02 19:47:26 : <fredskuentz> No wipes there, either.
2013-11-02 19:47:43 : <Hippy> Gah! I know ho wmany disposable glove I'll be buying at Walmart!
2013-11-02 19:48:19 : <sean> i go to the grocery with julie who has a balance problem so i grab a cart in the parking lot and take it to the car so she can use it as a walker. we are totally screwed.
2013-11-02 19:48:32 : <fredskuentz> you *could* grab a wipe on your way out of the store, and find some place to put it while you push your cart to your car, unload your groceries, find a place to stash the cart, and wipe as you leave it ...
2013-11-02 19:48:34 : <Hippy> Hell, I never buy enoguh to use a vart, anyway
2013-11-02 19:48:58 : <fredskuentz> I'm a tired old man. I grab a cart to lean on.
2013-11-02 19:49:17 : <sean> topic drift!! GP hull to touch sculpture to cart cleanliness.
2013-11-02 19:49:17 : <fredskuentz> I've got zombie sweat contact up to the elbows
2013-11-02 19:49:50 : <fredskuentz> Maybe people don't worry about germs in known space?
2013-11-02 19:50:11 : <fredskuentz> although Louis and his motley crew were at least conversant with them
2013-11-02 19:50:25 : <sean> well with booster spice and autodocs every where, i probably wouldn't worry either.
2013-11-02 19:50:49 : <Hippy> Most of the diseases that can kill you have killed your aancestors, so rceryone is immuneto to most diseases
2013-11-02 19:51:21 : <dmac44> and puppeteers probably use their nanotech to make the inside of their GP Hulls garden fresh
2013-11-02 19:51:41 : <NickE> nah, that Lamarkism
2013-11-02 19:51:42 : <Hippy> Plus you have trandfer booths to get your shopping to you, so you probably don't have carts or even markets
2013-11-02 19:51:47 : <fredskuentz> just flip the stasis field on and off and all the germs fall away
2013-11-02 19:52:09 : <SolBelter_Spike> Nod to Sean, lots of our medical contagion concerns are assumed in much future sf to be moot
2013-11-02 19:52:24 : <fredskuentz> Hey, I'm seeing these new carts recently that look like a walker with a close basket
2013-11-02 19:52:35 : <fredskuentz> I bet you could get into a transfer booth with one of those
2013-11-02 19:52:53 : <fredskuentz> of course you can get into a transfer booth with a puppeteer
2013-11-02 19:52:53 : <NickE> well, not Lamarkism as such, but if it killed your ancestors - you'd not be alive !
2013-11-02 19:53:07 : <fredskuentz> and a standard issue Kzin can fit in one too
2013-11-02 19:53:26 : <fredskuentz> transfer booths must be like 9 feet tall and half that across
2013-11-02 19:53:42 : <dmac44> NickE: would if it was after procreation
2013-11-02 19:54:19 : <NickE> yes
2013-11-02 19:54:58 : <NickE> still doesnt work that way though
2013-11-02 19:55:28 : <dmac44> yes
2013-11-02 19:55:43 : <dmac44> I agree with you
2013-11-02 19:56:15 : <NickE> though autodocs etc mean youd have a better chance of surviving diseases that had no preventative (super efective vaccines)
2013-11-02 19:56:23 : <Hippy> What wasy? Surely if you die before you procreae, you leve no descendangts, so gradually the only people left alive are the decendants of people who didn't get diseases or didn't die from the? I admit it will take a long time and assumes that diseaes don't mutate, but...
2013-11-02 19:57:02 : <NickE> 2 types of immunity: Innate and acquired
2013-11-02 19:57:03 : <fredskuentz> NickE, you're assuming vaccines but ...
2013-11-02 19:57:13 : <dmac44> I think that was NickEs point. The people who died aren't your ancestors
2013-11-02 19:57:14 : <fredskuentz> if you assume autodocs are ubiquitous
AFK for prphylactic tea
2013-11-02 19:57:20 : <fredskuentz> do you NEED vaccines?
2013-11-02 19:57:55 : <NickE> in teh KS future, maybe not in teh same we definitely do now
2013-11-02 19:58:17 : <fredskuentz> If everything is curable, and vaccines carry risk
2013-11-02 19:58:30 : <fredskuentz> or just make you sick for a week, like the flu vaccine did to me this year
2013-11-02 19:58:48 : <fredskuentz> maybe you just wait to get sick and cured
2013-11-02 19:59:09 : <fredskuentz> tanj, if you had a personal autodoc, wouldn't you just sleep in the thing?
2013-11-02 19:59:33 : <sean> hey, if you have carlos' autodoc, then you can be decapitated and survive!
2013-11-02 19:59:36 : <NickE> vaccine risk is very low in relation to protective value
2013-11-02 19:59:50 : <fredskuentz> for us here, yes
2013-11-02 19:59:58 : <fredskuentz> which is why I get the vaccine every year
2013-11-02 20:00:15 : <fredskuentz> but if there was an autodoc that cures the flu around the corner ...
2013-11-02 20:00:16 : <NickE> quite - (I ned to probably get one this year)
2013-11-02 20:01:51 : <Hippy> I may need alll dorts of vaccinrs if I want to stay in America
2013-11-02 20:01:59 : <sean> i cant remember my last flu shot and i never get it.
2013-11-02 20:02:00 : <NickE> fair enough - docs may be able to selectively tweak teh immune system (which is what vaccines do anyway) in a short timeframe (and with fewer side issues) so that essentially its individually tailored vaccinations at teh push of a button
2013-11-02 20:02:22 : <sean> of course now i have just jinxed myself and will be knocking on death's door all winter.
2013-11-02 20:02:57 : <Hippy> You'll even get diseaes humans can't get, Sean
2013-11-02 20:03:07 : <Hippy> Fin rot, or someting
2013-11-02 20:03:15 : <sean> probably
2013-11-02 20:03:44 : <Hippy> I havn't had the flue since I stipped work. No more travelling on trains that are like some giant Petri dish that never runs on time
2013-11-02 20:03:57 : <NickE> heh
2013-11-02 20:03:59 : <SolBelter_Spike> I'll suggest that transfer booths let diseases spread orders of magnitude faster
2013-11-02 20:04:10 : <NickE> that follows
2013-11-02 20:04:19 : <fredskuentz> sean, how old are you?
2013-11-02 20:04:24 : <sean> 44
2013-11-02 20:04:35 : <Hippy> Diseaae, liek fashion, spreds across the world in on giant surge
2013-11-02 20:04:36 : <NickE> they may in fact remove herd immunity
2013-11-02 20:04:42 : <fredskuentz> yeah. in about 6 years, you'll be wanting that vaccine
2013-11-02 20:04:44 : <sean> 45 end of the month
2013-11-02 20:04:49 : <sean> probably
2013-11-02 20:05:06 : <fredskuentz> even though the injection site swells up like a hen's egg, turns beet red and red hot
2013-11-02 20:05:13 : <fredskuentz> and you can't raise that arm for a week/
2013-11-02 20:05:27 : <NickE> depends on teh individual
2013-11-02 20:05:43 : <NickE> in terms of reactogenicity
2013-11-02 20:05:52 : <fredskuentz> and every year the nurses try to tell you that it's coincidence
2013-11-02 20:06:01 : <Hippy> that never happened to me. Where are you getting your injections, Fred? Area 51?
2013-11-02 20:06:12 : <fredskuentz> several sources Hippy
2013-11-02 20:06:12 : <NickE> some jabs don't bother me at all, others get sore
2013-11-02 20:06:31 : <SolBelter_Spike> for me every other time, I'll lose that arm's easy use for couple days
2013-11-02 20:06:43 : <fredskuentz> this year I just got the flu and could barely use the arm, but didn't have visible reactions at the site
2013-11-02 20:06:51 : <NickE> some will make you feel lousy for a week or so (typhoid did that to me, but not that bad really)
2013-11-02 20:07:07 : <sean> i think i will go without till i get the flu and from then on get the shot.
2013-11-02 20:07:08 : <fredskuentz> my doctor fully agrees the shot makes me sick, but says it's better than getting the flu when you're over 50
2013-11-02 20:07:15 : <Hippy> Better than actual typhoid
2013-11-02 20:07:23 : <NickE> well yes :-)
2013-11-02 20:07:57 : <Hippy> I thn that's one I ahveto get
2013-11-02 20:08:17 : <Hippy> This BBS doesn't handle backspace too well
2013-11-02 20:08:18 : <fredskuentz> the reaction I get supposedly indicates you're allergic to eggs
2013-11-02 20:08:36 : <fredskuentz> or at least that I am
2013-11-02 20:08:37 : <fredskuentz> :)
2013-11-02 20:09:06 : <NickE> only with vaccines grown in eggs or Chick Embryo Fibroblast cells
2013-11-02 20:09:12 : <fredskuentz> SolBelter_Spike, yes! I alternate too
2013-11-02 20:09:21 : <fredskuentz> I get the big swelling every other year
2013-11-02 20:09:24 : <NickE> 60 year old tech, but it works
2013-11-02 20:10:12 : <fredskuentz> wish you could say the same of me NickE :D
2013-11-02 20:10:25 : <NickE> heh
2013-11-02 20:14:52 : <Hippy> So. . .
2013-11-02 20:14:57 : <SolBelter_Spike> Fred and I are waiting for first Apple iDoc :)
2013-11-02 20:15:33 : <Hippy> Let's hope i's beyter for IRC than bloody Windows 8!
2013-11-02 20:15:53 : <SolBelter_Spike> a 3D printer,diagnostic sensors, 1st step towards autodocs
2013-11-02 20:16:19 : <Hippy> Very nice
2013-11-02 20:16:40 : <SolBelter_Spike> and it'll play music and vid grin
2013-11-02 20:16:57 : <fredskuentz> somehow I fear nanobots much less than a scalpel
2013-11-02 20:17:14 : <Hippy> Me, too
2013-11-02 20:17:37 : <sean> hippy, I would be very interested if you would boot a linux live cd and see if the problem goes away. the mint live cd includes xchat i think.
2013-11-02 20:18:16 : <SolBelter_Spike> I understand that feeling, but more complexity to directing nanos than a scalpel - more to go wrong
2013-11-02 20:18:27 : <Hippy> Okay. I think this laptop [C[C[C[C[C[Curn a CD
2013-11-02 20:18:47 : <Hippy> Er...can burn a CD
2013-11-02 20:18:51 : <sean> not now of course.
2013-11-02 20:19:39 : "Dan" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 20:19:39 : <HAL9000> Greetings Dan, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 20:19:41 : <fredskuentz> I agree that much more horrible wackiness could ensue; it's not rational, but the little guys are still less scary to me
2013-11-02 20:19:45 : <fredskuentz> Hey Dan!
2013-11-02 20:19:48 : <sean> he dan
2013-11-02 20:19:58 : <SolBelter_Spike> hi Dan
2013-11-02 20:20:10 : <Dan> Night shift is a drag, LOL!
2013-11-02 20:20:22 : <Hippy> No, no. I don't want to miss this. But, it must be something on my computer, because Da and I are on the same ISP and he can hapuly ping until the cows come home. He doens't have MIRC so we didn't try connecting
2013-11-02 20:20:29 : <Dan> Good morning, Campers!
2013-11-02 20:21:01 : <sean> i will work with you on it this week, hippy
2013-11-02 20:21:05 : <Hippy> Hi, Dan!
2013-11-02 20:21:23 : <Dan> Hello, Darren. How are things in Oz?
2013-11-02 20:21:27 : <Hippy> Thanks, Sean
2013-11-02 20:21:36 : <NickE> Hi Dan
2013-11-02 20:21:52 : <Hippy> Not too bad for a Sunday morning, Dan. Keen to get back to Florida, though
2013-11-02 20:22:13 : <SolBelter_Spike> Morning? More evidence that we are Ball People. It's past 4pm here. :)
2013-11-02 20:22:31 : <sean> 4:22 in Ky
2013-11-02 20:22:53 : <Hippy> 7:22 in Sydney
2013-11-02 20:22:56 : <Dan> It's past 4 PM here, too. I've just been working night shift for the past week.
2013-11-02 20:23:13 : <SolBelter_Spike> $:22 Boston
2013-11-02 20:23:30 : <Hippy> High noon on the Ringworld
2013-11-02 20:23:36 : <sean> always
2013-11-02 20:23:40 : <NickE> 8.22pm UK
2013-11-02 20:24:16 : <Hippy> This is fun. We may do exhbange rates next :)
2013-11-02 20:24:49 : <sean> sure... i exchanged money for beer earlier
2013-11-02 20:25:08 : <Hippy> That's definitely a win for you
2013-11-02 20:25:24 : <Hippy> I've gt four hours before the pub opens!
2013-11-02 20:25:37 : <Dan> I'll have to do that later. After my coffee.
2013-11-02 20:26:32 : <SolBelter_Spike> temps are fun 68F Boston, 37degrees tonight low
2013-11-02 20:26:57 : <sean> actually Hal is in channel today so you can do this
2013-11-02 20:27:04 : <sean> !weather 40601
2013-11-02 20:27:06 : <HAL9000> [["/home/mark/qbbs//plugins/weather.rb", "304", ":in `wu_weather_filter'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs//plugins/weather.rb", "214", ":in `block in wu_weather'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs//plugins/weather.rb", "213", ":in `each'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs//plugins/weather.rb", "213", ":in `wu_weather'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs//plugins/weather.rb", "147", ":in `weather'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/rbot/r_messagemapper.rb", "275",
2013-11-02 20:27:10 : <HAL9000> ":in `block in handle'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/rbot/r_messagemapper.rb", "249", ":in `each'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/rbot/r_messagemapper.rb", "249", ":in `handle'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/rbot/r_plugins.rb", "181", ":in `handle'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/rbot/r_plugins.rb", "218", ":in `privmsg'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/rbot/r_plugins.rb", "937", ":in `privmsg'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/bot.rb", "122", ":in `block in
2013-11-02 20:27:14 : <sean> well maybe not
2013-11-02 20:27:15 : <HAL9000> delegate_privmsg'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/bot.rb", "121", ":in `each'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/bot.rb", "121", ":in `delegate_privmsg'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/bot.rb", "231", ":in `block in run'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/bot.rb", "170", ":in `loop'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/bot.rb", "170", ":in `run'"], ["/home/mark/qbbs/top.rb", "796", ":in `block in run'"]]
2013-11-02 20:27:15 : <HAL9000> retrieving info about '40601' failed (undefined method `match' for nil:NilClass)
2013-11-02 20:27:36 : <sean> its usually very informative
2013-11-02 20:27:38 : <Hippy> That looked realy weird from here)
2013-11-02 20:28:00 : <NickE> yes
2013-11-02 20:28:19 : <SolBelter_Spike> here's a good local US weather service - give it a ZIP or city
2013-11-02 20:28:44 : <Dan> Programming string. If I could read it it would probably look like poetry, LOL!
2013-11-02 20:29:26 : <SolBelter_Spike> HAL needs the AE-35 module replaced again
2013-11-02 20:29:33 : <sean> pretty much
2013-11-02 20:29:34 : <NickE> heh
2013-11-02 20:29:53 : <Hippy> Good one, solBelter_Spike
2013-11-02 20:29:54 : <Dan> Ah, it's got a bad motivator, Uncle Owen.
2013-11-02 20:32:36 : <Hippy> It does speak Bocce, but only swear wordds
2013-11-02 20:33:20 : <Dan> Sounds about right.
2013-11-02 20:33:35 : <sean> who? c3fu
2013-11-02 20:33:48 : <Hippy> LOL!
2013-11-02 20:34:38 : <Dan> Lyn tells me that Mom called earlier, while I was asleep. And I slept through a phone call from my grandson. I didn't even hear the phone ring, I was so sound asleep.
2013-11-02 20:35:07 : <sean> i can see that
2013-11-02 20:36:10 : <Hippy> Did anyone know there is a Halrloprillalar fanfiction creator?
2013-11-02 20:36:13 : <Dan> We'll have to go visit Mom & Dad tomorrow. Mom can't get her printer to work.
2013-11-02 20:37:18 : <Dan> Oh dear! I can just about imagine what those stories might be like.
2013-11-02 20:37:28 : <Hippy>
2013-11-02 20:38:19 : <sean> i dont want to imagine
2013-11-02 20:39:36 : <SolBelter_Spike> "She reached here, *there*, !elsewhere!'
2013-11-02 20:39:56 : <Hippy> Well, there goes your appearance in MKW XV
2013-11-02 20:41:52 : <Dan> Oh goody, the car tag stamp arrived in todays mail. I'll have to put that bugger on the tag tomorrow.
2013-11-02 20:42:13 : <sean> i just renewed both trucks.
2013-11-02 20:42:36 : <sean> had to do in in october cuz the tardis had october tags on it.
2013-11-02 20:42:43 : <Hippy> Meanwhile, Australia is playing Fiji in the Rugby World Cup. I can't bring myself to care
2013-11-02 20:43:50 : <SolBelter_Spike> But mon! Fuji!!
2013-11-02 20:44:41 : <sean> got florida georgia on here
2013-11-02 20:44:49 : <sean> georgia up by 20, dan
2013-11-02 20:45:06 : <fredskuentz> Friend of mine's parents are running the mormon mission in Fiji
2013-11-02 20:45:24 : <fredskuentz> they had to ship their iPad back to Phoenix for repair :)
2013-11-02 20:46:20 : <Dan> Go Dawgs!
2013-11-02 20:46:21 : <fredskuentz> eat spam, and think thoughts like Speaker did while sucking reconstituted blood from his helmet straw
2013-11-02 20:46:49 : <SolBelter_Spike> wiki: Fiji is one of the few countries where rugby union is the main sport. There are approximately 80,000 registered players from a total population of around 950,000.
2013-11-02 20:46:53 : <sean> spam spam spam
2013-11-02 20:47:31 : <sean> .wiki fiji
2013-11-02 20:47:52 : <sean> hmm, guess that is not a funtion
2013-11-02 20:48:13 : <SolBelter_Spike> that's amazing they are in the Cup
2013-11-02 20:49:06 : <Hippy> Well, everyone gets to go in at the start. There aren't that many teams, as I understand it. The US is one of them.
2013-11-02 20:49:12 : <sean> i will have to take your word for it since i have never watched a rugby game
2013-11-02 20:49:46 : <Hippy> Nor me. My beer consumption goes way up if I'm at the pub with Dad and its on.
2013-11-02 20:49:51 : <SolBelter_Spike> But until Hippy made that comment , I had no idea the Cup was in progress, typical American
2013-11-02 20:50:02 : <andy> hi everyone
2013-11-02 20:50:06 : <sean> hi andy
2013-11-02 20:50:12 : <andy> been AFK up to recently, then catching up
2013-11-02 20:50:16 : <Hippy> Hi, Andy
2013-11-02 20:50:19 : <andy> sean: I think it's .wik instead of .wiki
2013-11-02 20:50:23 : <andy> .wik Fiji
2013-11-02 20:50:24 : <Outsider> "Fiji |i|/ˈfiːdʒiː/ (Fijian: Viti; Fiji Hindi: फ़िजी), officially the Republic of Fiji[8]| (Fijian: Matanitu ko Viti; Fiji Hindi: फ़िजी गणराज्य[9]| Fijī Gaṇarājya), is an island country in Melanesia in the South Pacific Ocean [...]" -
2013-11-02 20:50:52 : <sean> i am the same way with baseball... i heard that a team won the world series that i didnt even know was going on
2013-11-02 20:50:57 : <andy> well that would be a lot more useful if it would skip the non-ASCII characters...
2013-11-02 20:51:08 : <SolBelter_Spike> Outsider tech strikes again
2013-11-02 20:51:21 : <sean> thanks andy
2013-11-02 20:51:33 : <Hippy> Red sox won the World Series, preserving Am erican spelling for future generations
2013-11-02 20:52:47 : <sean> shows how little baseball matters to me... an Australian just told me who won the American baseball championship. ;)
2013-11-02 20:52:53 : <SolBelter_Spike> Noah Webster and REd Sox! I'm watching our victory parade
2013-11-02 20:53:44 : <Hippy> I must say I wouldn't know abut the World Series except that these little bulletins come up when I log into my ISP
2013-11-02 20:53:58 : <SolBelter_Spike> Ealier I claimed we were Ball People, not baseball people :)
2013-11-02 20:54:35 : <Dan> Ah! It's November! Doctor Who in 21 days! I believe the first cup of coffee has been metabolised.
2013-11-02 20:54:47 : <Hippy> I'm the only footnall person here:)
2013-11-02 20:54:58 : <sean> looking forward to it dan
2013-11-02 20:55:17 : <Dan> I hope the story doesn't suck.
2013-11-02 20:55:25 : <sean> lol... me too
2013-11-02 20:55:31 : <andy> I am too - and so is my wife.
2013-11-02 20:55:34 : <SolBelter_Spike> like most sf authors, Niven usually doesn't mention futu sports
2013-11-02 20:56:08 : <Hippy> True. Giridiron is still played in the Draco Tavern stories
2013-11-02 20:56:11 : <sean> robert asprin had the BIg Game in the myth books. dont know if you could really call that scifi tho.
2013-11-02 20:56:24 : <Hippy> But aht's the only sport reference I can think of
2013-11-02 20:56:31 : <Dan> Well, there was that underwater polo game in Crashlander.
2013-11-02 20:56:49 : <dmac44> Hippy: I prefer Aussie Rules Football.
2013-11-02 20:56:49 : <Hippy> Oh, yes
2013-11-02 20:56:59 : <SolBelter_Spike> i one non-known space story, the protagonist had earlier played for the football Berlin Nazis
2013-11-02 20:57:17 : <Hippy> Dmac, I knew you were a class act!
2013-11-02 20:57:28 : <SolBelter_Spike> name
2013-11-02 20:57:48 : "SolBelter_Spike" left the channel.
2013-11-02 20:58:07 : <Hippy> There was that 'BeaBeam guy who was a diplomat to the Folk
2013-11-02 20:58:11 : "SolBelter_Spike" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 20:58:33 : <dmac44> Guys, I've gotta go. See you all next month.
2013-11-02 20:58:41 : <SolBelter_Spike> seeya
2013-11-02 20:58:44 : <sean> later dmac
2013-11-02 20:58:45 : <Gofffan> bye mac
2013-11-02 20:58:46 : <Hippy> Oh, and Harmony from 'Dream park' had played gridiron , too
2013-11-02 20:58:50 : <SolBelter_Spike> Dan, good one
2013-11-02 20:59:01 : "dmac44" left the channel.
2013-11-02 20:59:03 : <Hippy> 'Bye, Dmac
2013-11-02 20:59:47 : <Dan> I remember one Space Cadet book that featured a soccer game wherein the ball had a slug of mercury near its core so that it would move erratically. Kant recall if that was a Heinlein or an Asimov
2013-11-02 21:00:07 : <SolBelter_Spike> George Alec Effinger had baseball and basketball stories
2013-11-02 21:00:28 : <SolBelter_Spike> Carey Rockwell
2013-11-02 21:00:41 : <SolBelter_Spike> great game
2013-11-02 21:01:08 : <SolBelter_Spike> Rockwell wrote Tom Corbett books
2013-11-02 21:01:24 : <Dan> Ah, I read those, too. I'll bet that was it.
2013-11-02 21:01:25 : <Hippy> There was a James Tiptree Jr one, 'Faithful to Thee, Terra, in our Fashion' which was about racing. It also came third in the Most Pretentious Title award (or should have)
2013-11-02 21:02:39 : <SolBelter_Spike> based loosely on the Heinlein 'Space Cadet' that Dan mentioned
2013-11-02 21:03:59 : <Dan> Wasn't Heinlein given an on-screen credit for the old Tom Corbet TV series, as an advisor? Or was that a different '50s TV series?
2013-11-02 21:04:43 : <SolBelter_Spike> what did that racing cry 'keeeby valyay' mean anyway in that story? :)
2013-11-02 21:04:46 : <Hippy> I didn't know that
2013-11-02 21:05:21 : <Hippy> In the Tiptree story?
2013-11-02 21:05:27 : <Dan> As I recall, there were at least two '50s TV series that were about Space Cadets.
2013-11-02 21:05:53 : <SolBelter_Spike> Project Moonbase were his
2013-11-02 21:05:54 : <sean> .g space cadet tv
2013-11-02 21:05:55 : <Outsider> sean:
2013-11-02 21:06:09 : <sean> not much help
2013-11-02 21:07:02 : <Jim> Halftime
2013-11-02 21:07:12 : <Jim> Has Larry been in?
2013-11-02 21:07:18 : <sean> nope
2013-11-02 21:07:41 : <Hippy> He migh havethe same problem I do :)
2013-11-02 21:07:57 : <sean> lately when he doesnt show, he emails me about tuesday to let me know why. usually he is at a convention with no net access.
2013-11-02 21:09:01 : <Jim> You would be surprised as to the number of hotels without wifi,
2013-11-02 21:09:18 : <Jim> You would be surprised as to the number of hotels without wifi.
2013-11-02 21:09:29 : <sean> not saying that there is no wifi at the convention. he doesnt work hard at it.
2013-11-02 21:09:29 : <Hippy> Not from Ausralia , I wouldn't
2013-11-02 21:09:42 : <sean> he is not a computer guy
2013-11-02 21:09:56 : "SolBelter_Spike" left the channel.
2013-11-02 21:10:16 : <Hippy> Plus he would have panels to go to
2013-11-02 21:10:27 : <sean> he is very busy at conventions
2013-11-02 21:11:18 : <sean> i am extremely happy that he gives us the time that he does.
2013-11-02 21:11:34 : <Hippy> Me, too
2013-11-02 21:13:33 : <Jim> Yes.
2013-11-02 21:15:18 : <Hippy> So...I(and I'm only saying tht so I don't get logged out)
2013-11-02 21:15:41 : <sean> heh
2013-11-02 21:16:24 : <Dan> Sorry, I was trying to puzzle something out on my iPad. I'm slowly learning a little about this toy.
2013-11-02 21:16:53 : <sean> actually, you will get an ansi screensaver before you get timed out.
2013-11-02 21:17:19 : <Jim> What did we learn about the optical properties of an unpainted GP hull? Are they truly invisible?
2013-11-02 21:17:51 : <Dan> I always imagined that they looked like soap bubbles. :)
2013-11-02 21:18:19 : <Gofffan> I always thought they were totally invisible.
2013-11-02 21:18:35 : <Gofffan> Off the factory floor.
2013-11-02 21:18:43 : <sean> i always had the impression that they looked like glass bottles. you could see them but look through them
2013-11-02 21:18:59 : <fredskuentz> I'm with Gofff. I also don't think we'll ever see them depicted that way.
2013-11-02 21:19:38 : <Gofffan> It would be like a Bugs Bunny cartoon where the plade disappears and the pilot is left out in the open air.
2013-11-02 21:19:43 : <Gofffan> plane
2013-11-02 21:20:08 : <sean> well being as it would be impossible to know that that it was depicted anyway. i agree
2013-11-02 21:21:07 : <Gofffan> So the hulls are NOT reflective, and actually not refractive - but invisible to light?
2013-11-02 21:21:45 : "johnmanyjars1" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 21:21:49 : <HAL9000> Greetings johnmanyjars1, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 21:22:07 : <sean> hey mark
2013-11-02 21:22:08 : <Jim> Mark
2013-11-02 21:22:29 : <sean> tis an autologin
2013-11-02 21:22:41 : "johnmanyjars" left the channel.
2013-11-02 21:22:52 : <Jim> bye
2013-11-02 21:23:34 : <Jim> weather KEKN
2013-11-02 21:23:42 : <Jim> .weather KEKN
2013-11-02 21:23:43 : <Outsider> Cloudy, 50.0℉ (10℃), 29.83in (1007mb), Gentle breeze 8kt (↑) - KEKN 20:51Z
2013-11-02 21:23:50 : <Gofffan> I mean if the GP hull doesn't bend light and it is invisible then it is optically clear no matter the shape. No?
2013-11-02 21:24:08 : <Jim> Must be.
2013-11-02 21:24:24 : <Gofffan> And there are only 4 shapes.
2013-11-02 21:24:31 : <sean> well, does transparent mean the same thing as invisible?
2013-11-02 21:24:45 : <sean> i can see my water glass and it is transparent
2013-11-02 21:25:15 : <sean> well, i cant see it... its in the kitchen and i have a beer now but you know what i mean
2013-11-02 21:25:16 : <Jim> Transparent and No Refraction is the same as invisible.
2013-11-02 21:25:23 : <Gofffan> to me, transparent represents a physical object that we can understand. A GP hull is solid, but does not act as a clear substance we know.
2013-11-02 21:25:57 : <Jim> Transparent and refractionless together is the same as invisible.
2013-11-02 21:26:16 : <Gofffan> yes
2013-11-02 21:26:19 : <Jim> The second half is about to begin.
2013-11-02 21:26:31 : <sean> i can go with that but in the books they keep being described as glass bottles
2013-11-02 21:26:43 : <sean> what game are you watching?
2013-11-02 21:26:45 : <Hippy> But it only needs to be a transparent as air to give the impression of invisiblity if you're inside it looking out at space or hyperspace
2013-11-02 21:26:55 : <sean> Ga-FL here
2013-11-02 21:27:16 : <Hippy> Australia-Fini here
2013-11-02 21:27:26 : <Hippy> Well, it's on.
2013-11-02 21:28:05 : <Hippy> Er, Fiji
2013-11-02 21:30:01 : <fredskuentz> transparent and reflectionless would be the Predator
2013-11-02 21:30:28 : <Gofffan> you could see him up in the trees if he moved
2013-11-02 21:30:29 : <Hippy> There was a good deal of refraction there, though
2013-11-02 21:30:34 : <fredskuentz> yep
2013-11-02 21:31:18 : <fredskuentz> I wonder if C4D will let me do that
2013-11-02 21:34:47 : <Dan> Well, that's one pot of coffee gone. Sigh... Time to make a beer run, I suppose.
2013-11-02 21:35:00 : <sean> i know where you are going ;)
2013-11-02 21:35:22 : <Dan> Dimand Hill Grocery!
2013-11-02 21:35:30 : <sean> been there... with you
2013-11-02 21:35:35 : <Dan> iamond, rather.
2013-11-02 21:35:45 : <Hippy> Still three and ahalf hours till the pub opens
2013-11-02 21:35:50 : <sean> in the tardis
2013-11-02 21:36:31 : <Dan> I'll be using my shuttlecraft, LOL!
2013-11-02 21:36:51 : <sean> my ford explorer is tardis blue and has a my other car is a tardis license plate on the front. so i just call it the tardis.
2013-11-02 21:39:27 : <fredskuentz> Yep, just made a gp hull that's only refractive
2013-11-02 21:39:37 : <fredskuentz> looks like a romulan cloak
2013-11-02 21:40:06 : <Hippy> As it would
2013-11-02 21:40:49 : <Dan> I'll be back in about 15 minutes...
2013-11-02 21:41:03 : <sean> i know ;)
2013-11-02 21:41:27 : <Hippy> Time for another cup of tea
2013-11-02 21:46:03 : <Hippy> I must compliment Mark on this BBS. Without it I would be sitting here ranting about not being able to get on the channel
2013-11-02 21:46:06 : <sean> still trying to wrap my mind around hot tea
2013-11-02 21:46:44 : <Hippy> Yes, well, these things are acquired tastes
2013-11-02 21:46:57 : <Hippy> Like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
2013-11-02 21:47:16 : <fredskuentz> ick
2013-11-02 21:47:17 : <sean> i told julie the other day... maybe tea in the afternoon as a pick me up. with a spot of honey
2013-11-02 21:47:33 : <Hippy> Or mozarella sticks, which I hae acquireda taste for
2013-11-02 21:47:43 : <sean> but it will not replace coffee in the morning.
2013-11-02 21:48:10 : <Hippy> That would work, though. Four o'clock is the traditional time
2013-11-02 21:48:47 : <sean> how about fried pickles
loves fried pickles
2013-11-02 21:48:59 : <Hippy> Ah, and Douglas Adams used to have Cegemite, so there you go
2013-11-02 21:49:27 : <Hippy> They were nice. At least I can ssay I had them
2013-11-02 21:49:33 : <sean> I am thinking the vegemite is going in the trash.
2013-11-02 21:52:14 : <Hippy> Well, okay, but you know we need another Douglas Adams
2013-11-02 21:52:55 : <Gofffan> The Douglas Adams from his first book of the series.
2013-11-02 21:53:03 : <fredskuentz> okay, trying to crash Gofffan
2013-11-02 21:53:06 : <fredskuentz>
2013-11-02 21:53:16 : <fredskuentz> oh, good, it previewed
2013-11-02 21:53:18 : <fredskuentz> :)
2013-11-02 21:54:01 : <Gofffan> refractive
2013-11-02 21:54:29 : <Gofffan> but cool!
2013-11-02 21:56:24 : <Dan> OK, beer in hand. The universe is safe once again.
2013-11-02 21:58:05 : <Gofffan> Regarding license plates --- sometime in August I was driving behind a guy in NYC with NYS plates : OUTATIME. I guess there are 52 of those in the U.S.
2013-11-02 21:58:17 : <fredskuentz> refractive and specular
2013-11-02 21:58:24 : <Dan> Hot tea is just fine. But I freak people out when I don't put sugar or milk or lemon in it. But I drink unsweetened iced tea, too.
2013-11-02 21:58:47 : <fredskuentz> it still didn't look like much until I gave it a lot of surface irregularities
2013-11-02 21:58:53 : <fredskuentz> plate lines and rivets
2013-11-02 21:59:07 : <Gofffan> Nice detail for an invisible ship!
2013-11-02 21:59:12 : <fredskuentz> :)
2013-11-02 21:59:34 : <Hippy> Not even I can drink tea without milk
2013-11-02 21:59:47 : <fredskuentz> the wasp waist constriction is what makes it work :D
2013-11-02 22:00:58 : <Hippy> In New South Wales they are recalling number plateswith the letters MEOCon them, because it apparntly stands for 'Middle EastOrganised Crime'
2013-11-02 22:01:06 : <Dan> Darren, I drink my coffee black, too. LOL!
2013-11-02 22:01:39 : <Hippy> You, you lactohobe, you!
2013-11-02 22:01:55 : <Hippy> Er, phobe
2013-11-02 22:02:35 : <Dan> I like eggnog, though. :)
2013-11-02 22:04:05 : <fredskuentz> here it is with the stasis field on
2013-11-02 22:04:06 : <fredskuentz>
2013-11-02 22:04:58 : <Hippy> Dang. Noway to copy and paste that
2013-11-02 22:05:04 : <Gofffan> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo fred_zps95569df3.jpg"/></a>
2013-11-02 22:05:45 : <fredskuentz> lol, that's ugly :D
2013-11-02 22:05:55 : <Gofffan> well, that didn't work out. Nice render, Fred.
2013-11-02 22:06:04 : <fredskuentz> and here it is after the anti matter meteoroid hit
2013-11-02 22:06:05 : <fredskuentz>
2013-11-02 22:06:22 : "Vila" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 22:06:22 : <Gofffan> well, that didn't work out. Nice render, Fred
2013-11-02 22:06:25 : <HAL9000> Greetings Vila, welcome to the #knownspace channel. larryniven-l chats are the first Saturday of the month. If it's not a chat day, chances are no one is actively monitoring the channel, so please be patient if no one responds to you immediately.
2013-11-02 22:06:50 : <Gofffan> I can't post!
2013-11-02 22:06:56 : <Vila> OK, that was strange. I usually don't get net-split with mIRC.
2013-11-02 22:07:00 : "Gofffan" left the channel.
2013-11-02 22:07:14 : "Dan" left the channel.
2013-11-02 22:07:16 : "Gofffan" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 22:07:37 : <Hippy> Igt's just nother peculiarity, like I can't even ping the server
2013-11-02 22:08:16 : <Gofffan> I tried to paste a Photobucket link in and it didn't post correctly and then I couldn't post at all.
2013-11-02 22:09:06 : <Gofffan> [URL=][...
2013-11-02 22:09:51 : <fredskuentz> but we saw you say "I can't post"
2013-11-02 22:10:10 : <fredskuentz> I get an error on your photobucket link
2013-11-02 22:10:16 : <fredskuentz> page does not exist
2013-11-02 22:10:25 : <Gofffan> me too. nuts.
2013-11-02 22:10:40 : <fredskuentz> ah
2013-11-02 22:10:41 : <Dan> Try this:
2013-11-02 22:10:47 : <fredskuentz> the link repeats on itself
2013-11-02 22:10:53 : <fredskuentz> it's in there twice
2013-11-02 22:11:10 : <fredskuentz> The Displaced Detective Suite
2013-11-02 22:14:01 : <fredskuentz> How does this work? I pay at least $6.18, but can pay more as a gratuity?
2013-11-02 22:14:05 : <Dan> And the other two albums. I have to say, Darrell's cover art is much better looking than my personal photograps I used on the first two.
2013-11-02 22:14:09 : <Hippy> Nice site, Dan
2013-11-02 22:14:26 : <Dan> Yeah, Fred. That's exactly how it works.
2013-11-02 22:15:21 : <fredskuentz> cool :)
2013-11-02 22:15:35 : <Dan> The part I like is that people can listen to the stuff for free.
2013-11-02 22:17:52 : <fredskuentz> yes
2013-11-02 22:18:01 : <fredskuentz> it reminds me of my beloved shadowfax album
2013-11-02 22:18:08 : <Dan> I'll never get rich off of it, but it's an outlet for that part of my creativity.
2013-11-02 22:18:42 : <fredskuentz> I tipped you a beer's worth
2013-11-02 22:18:47 : <Gofffan> Great looking site.
2013-11-02 22:18:50 : <fredskuentz> or a 6 pack, if you'll buy Hamm's
2013-11-02 22:19:03 : <Dan> I was aiming for a cross between Rick Wakeman and Jeff Wayne's WOTW.
2013-11-02 22:19:10 : <Dan> LOL!
2013-11-02 22:19:38 : <fredskuentz> 'Thanks for your service, temporary Halloween shops. Time to go back to being abandoned squatter havens."
2013-11-02 22:19:57 : <Hippy> LOL!
2013-11-02 22:24:33 : <Dan> Thank you very much.
2013-11-02 22:27:23 : <Dan> If I can dig out some old photos of my appartment when it was set up as a recording studio, I could put out about 6 more albums of the garage band tapes. I have the music uploaded already. It's the cover art that's being the hold-up. I might need to sort throug a few hundred old photos and scan the ones I need. I lost a ton of photos I'd scanned years ago lat time I had a hard drive crash.
2013-11-02 22:28:06 : <fredskuentz> ugh
2013-11-02 22:28:27 : <Dan> Yeah, I do regular back-ups to external drives now.
2013-11-02 22:28:42 : <Hippy> I drad that. And I noticed the other day gthat I have lost some picgtures oer the years.
2013-11-02 22:29:01 : <Hippy> I thought I hd taken more care over backups than I really have
2013-11-02 22:30:09 : <Dan> Darren, you can get huge thumb drives now. I back up my C: drive to a 128 Gb thumb drive since Sean & I rebuilt my desktop computer.
2013-11-02 22:31:37 : <Dan> I'm waiting for the day I can afford a really huge SSD drive as a C: drive on the desktop. I think I'd love that.
2013-11-02 22:32:18 : <Dan> The SSD drive I'm using now is really nice. Boot time is nearly instant.
2013-11-02 22:32:35 : <fredskuentz> do they make really huge SSDs?
2013-11-02 22:32:59 : <Dan> And I owe it all to Sean, for talking sense to me when I was wanting to rebuild the desktop.
2013-11-02 22:33:19 : <fredskuentz> I just put in a 3TB
2013-11-02 22:33:32 : <fredskuentz> mostly as a media server for my Plasma TV
2013-11-02 22:33:40 : <fredskuentz> yes, I bought a Panasonic Plasma
2013-11-02 22:33:54 : <fredskuentz> and the next freaking day they end of lined them
2013-11-02 22:33:58 : <fredskuentz> it's all my fault
2013-11-02 22:34:40 : <Hippy> I bought and 8GB flash drive before I cam e back. That let me back up he emails and the documents
2013-11-02 22:35:50 : <Dan> I just did a search... there are 512 Gb SSDs now!
2013-11-02 22:36:15 : <fredskuentz> cool
2013-11-02 22:36:27 : <fredskuentz> I think 256 is still as big as apple puts in
2013-11-02 22:36:55 : <fredskuentz> then again the likelyhood of my buying another Mac is pretty small :(
2013-11-02 22:38:51 : <fredskuentz> Hmm. the new macbook offers 1TB PCIe-based flash storage
2013-11-02 22:38:56 : <Dan> Ooooooo! there are 960Gb SSDs now! Wow!
2013-11-02 22:39:00 : <Hippy> Hmm. Might look into that. An SSD that bif would be good for LOTRO
2013-11-02 22:39:09 : <fredskuentz> I don't know how that differs from an SSD
2013-11-02 22:41:18 : <fredskuentz> okay, apple claims that PCIe-based flash storage is 2.4x faster than an SSD
2013-11-02 22:41:38 : <fredskuentz> so it's apparently not just another name for the same thing
2013-11-02 22:43:29 : <Dan> 960 Gbs is roughly 9x bigger than the SSD I'm using now. Once this bugger starts getting full, I'll see what I can afford.
2013-11-02 22:43:35 : <fredskuentz> ah. it's an SSD but it's not using a SATA connection.
2013-11-02 22:44:03 : <fredskuentz> and you can get it in the laptops but not the macpro
2013-11-02 22:44:04 : <fredskuentz> idiots
2013-11-02 22:46:49 : "Akiraa" left the channel.
2013-11-02 22:47:42 : <Hippy> Indeed
2013-11-02 22:50:06 : <Gofffan> Gotta go - thanks guys for the conversation. Looking into SSD's now. Next month! (hopefully)
2013-11-02 22:50:27 : <Dan> Bye for now, Goff!
2013-11-02 22:50:42 : "Gofffan" left the channel.
2013-11-02 22:50:50 : <Hippy> Well, gentlemen, I'm off to enrol in tis yeae's NaNoWriMo and then to get some breakfast, so I shall see you next month hopefully on IRC.
2013-11-02 22:51:16 : <Dan> Bye, Darren!
2013-11-02 22:51:31 : <Hippy> 'Bye!
2013-11-02 22:51:58 : <Hippy> Hmm. How do I log out of this?
2013-11-02 22:52:39 : <Hippy> Just close the command prompt, I suppose. 'Bye everyone!
2013-11-02 22:55:42 : "Hippy" left the channel.
2013-11-02 23:01:26 : <Dan> Oh dear... I was just told some news that angered me. Let's just say that my grandson's father is a total dick. I'd call him a bastard, but his parents are actually married.
2013-11-02 23:02:32 : <fredskuentz> this is your son in law?
2013-11-02 23:03:23 : <Dan> Not exactly. More a case of his being my daughter's sperm doner.
2013-11-02 23:05:19 : <Dan> He sued her for child support! And she's a car-hop at Sonic. He's on total disability for a brain tumor that has since vanished from his MRIs, and a metal plate in his head. Too bad the doctors didn't transplant him a functioning set of morals when the put the plate in.
2013-11-02 23:07:37 : <Dan> He's never held a job in his life, and he's in his mid-30s. All he does is play video games, and he moved a 2nd "wife" into my daughter's home, had a child by her, then kicked my daughter out.
2013-11-02 23:09:03 : <Dan> That boy needs some schooling. I mean, if my daughter were poly, that'd be fine with me. But she isn't.
2013-11-02 23:10:01 : <Dan> Complex situation, and nothing I can do about it but love my daughter & her little boy.
2013-11-02 23:13:46 : <Dan> I know plenty of people who live alternate lifestyles. Good people, every one of them. I may not share their views, but I respect them. But this deadbeat took advantage of my Baby Girl. If her biological Dad were on this side of the Atlantic, I doubt I could keep him from doing the rash things I can't let myself do. LOL!
2013-11-02 23:14:45 : <Jim> bubblewrapped spacecraft
2013-11-02 23:14:52 : <Jim> bubblewrapped spacecraft
2013-11-02 23:15:55 : <fredskuentz> yeesh
2013-11-02 23:16:16 : <fredskuentz> and now I want Sonic
2013-11-02 23:17:22 : <Dan> I think you're a bit too far to see Michelle as your waitress. LOL!
2013-11-02 23:17:48 : "Jim" left the channel.
2013-11-02 23:18:05 : "Jim" joined the channel.
2013-11-02 23:18:21 : <Jim> anyone still here?
2013-11-02 23:18:28 : <Dan> Yep.
2013-11-02 23:20:51 : <Dan> Things are slowing down, but some of us are still here.
2013-11-02 23:22:53 : <fredskuentz> I'm not
2013-11-02 23:24:42 : <Dan> Thank you again Fred, for buying the album. I hope you enjoy listening to it!
2013-11-02 23:26:08 : <Dan> Lyn and I have some BritComs to watch tonight, so I need to log out. Saturday night PBS is kind of our date night, when I'm not on night shift.
2013-11-02 23:26:54 : <Dan> Goodnight, carbon-based life forms!
2013-11-02 23:27:08 : "Dan" left the channel.
2013-11-02 23:36:43 : "NickE" left the channel.
2013-11-02 23:37:56 : <Jim> yeah, I gotta go too.
2013-11-02 23:38:00 : "Jim" left the channel.